Try searching and see if anyone has implemented it yet or has 
requested the feature.  If no one has picked up on it yet, post it there so maybe 
someone will in the future.


--- "Dave Packham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
what would be nice is to get this on MeetMe app.  so that you can announce someone 
joining the conf call


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/1/2003 11:11:49 AM >>>
--- "Vledder, Hans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I would like to play an announcement to the user on what external line >a call came 
>in, right before this call get bridged to this user. How >would I go about 
>implementing this in * ?

Use the A option to the Dial application:

'A(x)' -- play an announcement to the called party, using x as file


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