On Tue, 2 Dec 2003 12:14:24 -0600, "Steven Sokol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I seem to be having problems with IAX clients based on the iaxClient
>library.  I have been working on my own client (an augmentation to the
>Call Manager I released last week) and it seems to regularly miss
>incoming calls entirely.  It also occasionally misses the drop signal
>when the remote end drops a call.
>Has anybody else seen this kind of behavior?  I have tested with my
>client, with DIAX and with iaxComm and all three act the same way.  I
>would really like to know if it has something to do with my asterisk
>setup, or if it is specific to the client library I am using.

I am seeing the same behaviour ocassionally, but had attributed it to something
wrong in my application code, rather than the library.
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