If you have echo on the X100P's Mark setup chan_zap to pretrain the echo
can, but it had a few issues until today which Mark nailed down the bug
that caused the DTMF to be unreliable.

Ok here is how you would do it:

in your zapata.conf.sample:
; In some cases, the echo canceller doesn't train quickly enough and there
; is echo at the beginning of the call.  Enabling echo training will cause
; asterisk to briefly mute the channel, send an impulse, and use the impulse
; response to pre-train the echo canceller so it can start out with a much
; closer idea of the actual echo.

If you set this to yes I recommend using ztmonitor to adjust the rxgain
and txgain:(ztmonitor isn't installed so its in /usr/src/zaptel)

asterisk zaptel # ./ztmonitor 1 -v
Rx ##################################Tx

Place a call... let the remove party talk.. then adjust them till they
sound better.

For example(here is what I use):


Hope this helps with X100P echo issues.  I no longer have that 5-10
seconds of echo when making a call.  HUGE IMPROVEMENT!

Thank you Mark...


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