On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 08:30:34AM +0100, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
> hi all
> I spoke to this guy the other day, working with Cisco's VoIP system. He
> told me they were using a PRI/E1 to transport SMS, and could even do so
> from their phones.
> May this be possible with asterisk? I have an E100P in my primary
> asterisk server connected to a E1/PRI.

This is a carrier service. I seem to remember there are some ETSI
standards for SMS over ISDN transport/gatewaying.

As far as I understand (which is not very far, I admit, right now!),
Asterisk doesn't support Q931 user-to-user info transmission (although
there is support in libpri).

It should be possible, however, to modify chan_zap and add a SendText
application (and/or modify the Dial app) to handle this.

Nicolas Bougues
Axialys Interactive
Asterisk-Users mailing list

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