Prolly change the auth= to plaintext...

On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 10:07, Balaji NJL wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am a newb to *.  My setup is on Rh 7.2 and i d/led the build on Dec
> 1st. i hv installed X-Lite on two of my laptops. i am able to make
> calls between X-Lite (Ext 2000 and 2001) . i configured MSN as ext
> 2002. When ever i am trying to log on using MSN it rejects my
> password. 
> the following are my config files.
> [general]
> port = 5060
> bindaddr =
> context = bogon-calls
> [2002]
> type=friend
> host=dynamic
> insecure=yes
> dtmfmode=inband
> context=from-sip
> mailbox=2002
> [2000]
> type=friend
> username=2000
> secret=qweqwe
> auth=md5
> host=dynamic
> context=from-sip
> dtmfmode=inband
> mailbox=2000
> [2001]
> type=friend
> username=2001
> secret=asdasd
> auth=md5
> host=dynamic
> context=from-sip
> dtmfmode=inband
> mailbox=2001
> extension.conf 
> [general]
> static=yes
> writeprotect=yes
> [bogon-calls]
> exten => _.,1,Congestion
> [from-sip]
> ;2000
> exten => 2000,1,Dial(SIP/2000,20)
> exten => 2000,2,Voicemail(u2000)
> exten => 2000,102,Voicemail(b2000)
> exten => 2000,103,Hangup
> ;2001
> exten => 2001,1,Dial(SIP/2001,20)
> exten => 2001,2,Voicemail(u2001)
> exten => 2001,102,Voicemail(b2001)
> exten => 2001,103,Hangup
> ;2002
> exten => 2002,1,Dial(SIP/2002,20)
> exten => 2002,2,Voicemail(u2002)
> exten => 2002,102,Voicemail(b2002)
> exten => 2002,103,Hangup
> ;2999 Voice mail
> exten => 2999,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})
> voicemail.conf
> [general]
> ;format=wav
> format=gsm
> [local]
> 2000 => 1234,Balaji NJL,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 2001 => 5678,Ojasvi Sinha,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 2002 => 1234, Balaji NJL,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Any idea whats the issue. any help appreciated.
> thanks,
> -Balaji
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