I've only been using Asterisk with Fedora for a short time now, but I have
had no trouble with it on my older server and a T1 card from digium.  My
server is a Pentium III 733 MHz with 512Megs of RAM.  Nothing special, but
gets the job done.  The only problems I've heard from people with Redhat's
new POSIX threading library is in using Perl AGI scripts.  I don't have any
of those on my setup so I can't verify those problems.

> "Scott Stingel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all-
> Over the past week or two, I've been trying out asterisk under Fedora 1
Linux (RedHat).  In my setup (single and dual Xeon 
> motherboards), I have = so far had a very good experience in terms of
performance.  In doing E1 = load testing, I've found that Fedora > handles
heavy load much better than = RedHat9, probably because of its better use of
the multi-threading capabilities = of the Xeon.
> Before I deploy Fedora to customer sites, though, I'm interested in =
other people's experience with Fedora.  If you're using Fedora, > please
tell =
> us:
> what's been your experience?

> Thanks
> Scott Stingel
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