On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, Douglas Garstang wrote:

> If it COULD, you could leave a tshark process running, constantly 
> measuring jitter in real time. You'd run one for each ITSP you use, and 
> voila, you have real time jitter metrics on a provider by provider 
> basis.

   There are various command-line SIP performance test tools (sipp?) that
can do this too, I think.

   Also, it may be possible to modify Wireshark's plugin to periodically
invoke its jitter analysis function automatically and export the results
to some retrievable location.  The most difficult problem would be
giving it a particular data stream to home in on as a VoIP call;  the
easiest thing there would be to nail up your own periodic tests from
a SIP UAC with definable IP endpoint locations and constantly run it
with that filter.

   Hackjobs aside, this sort of thing is essentially what products like
Brix do, as well as check in with SRTP stats.

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Web    : http://www.evaristesys.com/
Tel    : +1-678-954-0670
Direct : +1-678-954-0671

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