I think that revision 80086 in the 1.4 subversion branch would fix this.


Peder @ NetworkOblivion wrote:
> Does anybody have realtime queue members working?  Not the queues 
> themselves, just the members.  I have realtime working for voicemail and 
> sippeers, but I can't get queue members to work.  Here is what I have:
> res_mysql.conf:
> [general]
> dbhost =
> dbname = ASTERISK
> dbuser = myuser
> dbpass = mypass
> dbport = 3306
> dbsock = /tmp/mysql.sock
> queues.conf:
> [general]
> realtime_family=queue_members
> persistentmembers = yes
> autofill = yes
> monitor-type = MixMonitor
> [queue2280]
> music = default
> strategy = roundrobin
> timeout = 15
> wrapuptime=10
> announce-frequency = 30
> announce-holdtime = no
> joinempty = yes
> extconfig.conf:
> [settings]
> queue_members=>mysql,ASTERISK,queue_member_table
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/asterisk# mysql -u myuser -p
> Enter password:
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 7 to server version: 5.0.24a-Debian_9ubuntu2-log
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
> mysql> use ASTERISK;
> Reading table information for completion of table and column names
> You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
> Database changed
> mysql> select * from queue_member_table;
> +------------+-----------+---------+
> | queue_name | interface | penalty |
> +------------+-----------+---------+
> | queue2280  | SIP/2224  |       1 |
> | queue2280  | SIP/2223  |       1 |
> | queue2280  | SIP/2222  |       2 |
> +------------+-----------+---------+
> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> I don't see any log info for mysql, except when I manually enter the 
> info above.  I've stopped an restarted * many times.  I've even tried 
> this on two separate boxes and I get the same thing.  sipeers and 
> voicemail work, but queue members does not.  Any idea?  I am running 
>  Thanks.
> Peder
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