On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Rilawich Ango wrote:

> In CDR, I found that there are 3 records after doing call transfer. 
> However, 3 of them are individual record that is very difficult to 
> identify they are related to call transfer.  My question is how to 
> identify the call with a clear flow, from CDR or by other means, is a 
> call transfer.

   Do they have a common criterion?  If they do not have a common 
criterion, it is probably not logically possible to associate them.
Asterisk is a back-to-back user agent, so it builds out distinct legs for 
every call with unique Call-IDs and dialogue tags.  This makes it hard to
meaningfully associate call flows like this inherently, unless you do
state tracking in the software to make this possible.

   This has been an ongoing topic of discussion periodically on the 
Asterisk Developers' List (asterisk-dev).  It seems there is considerable 
interest in reworking the CDR engine to account for this type of situation 
more meaningfully.  You may wish to search the list archives for greater 
insight into what core developers are thinking, or to join the list and 
add your two cents to what you want to see from it.  You're definitely not 
the first person to run into this or regard it as a serious impediment. :)


Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Web    : http://www.evaristesys.com/
Tel    : +1-678-954-0670
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