On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 08:05 -0500, Brian West wrote:
> Sangoma has contributed to Asterisk in the past and they still do.
> They also have contributed to Yate, FreeSWITCH and various other
> software that is capable of using their hardware.  This argument of
> Digium vs Sangoma is very emotional for some.  I see it as competition
> is good and drives innovation.  Digium can't take every bit of credit
> for Asterisk, you have to remember the community has a large part in
> making Asterisk as popular as it is.  I know their is hostility
> directed at anyone that uses non-Digium hardware by some folks and
> their shouldn't be.  Its an open market and an open platform.  Rhino
> makes hardware that plugs into zaptel but yet I don't see their
> drivers in the zaptel repo... I don't see many of the third party
> hardware drivers in the zaptel repo.  


I'm not trying to generate flames here, and believe me, this is not a
emotional issue for me. It's just facts. If Sangoma is contributing to
I've personally not noticed it, nor anyone else I've talked to. It's no
big deal 
to me what they do or don't do. But from the perspective of Asterisk as
entity in its own right, Sangoma is somewhat of a parasite, siphoning
off resources and making no noticeable contribution in return, other
than to sharpen
Digium in a competitive market. Digium and Asterisk also have a
much more symbiotic in my view.

And it wouldn't surprise me in the least to hear that Sangoma
contributes to "Yate, FreeSWITCH and various other software that is
capable of using their hardware", as those submissions would not be
perceived as aiding a competitor.

My observation of Digium as a business is that they know how to compete.
Or rather, that WE know how to compete, and will do so to the best of
our abilities. And I will not deny that the competition between Digium
and others has not benefited buyers in all camps! I/We **love**

I've noticed no policy to exclude other hardware vendors from
contributing their
drivers or mods from the asterisk source. I know Matt would welcome any
help he 
can get to improve the quality of the zaptel drivers, no matter the

As far as I can tell, Sangoma is doing the purely business thing: it
makes no 
sense to them, to contribute to Asterisk, as that might in some way
relieve their
competitor of a burden, -- you just don't help competitors in that way. 
All I can say is, and I'm smiling right now, if that's the way they
want to handle it, more power to them. But to Asterisk users, and from
the viewpoint of Asterisk itself, all I can say, is that you are
shooting yourself in the foot if you buy anything but Digium. Just being
logical here. (Repeat, I AM biased! Sorry!)


> /b
> On Oct 5, 2007, at 7:51 AM, Steve Murphy wrote:
> > Oh, Julian, I'd imagine what I'm about to say will fuel some flames!
> > 
> > 
> > Here's a fairly powerful argument for all you asterisk users, as to
> > why
> > 
> > you
> > 
> > should purchase a Digium product vs. a Sangoma: Because Digium uses
> > a
> > 
> > chunk
> > 
> > of the purchase money to support Asterisk. And Sangoma DOES NOT.
> > Digium
> > 
> > employs
> > 
> > several developers specifically to maintain and improve Asterisk.
> > 
> > Sangoma DOES NOT. While they may maintain and improve their own
> > versions
> > 
> > of the various drivers, THEY DO NOT SHARE THEIR SOFTWARE. Matt F.
> > told
> > 
> > me last week we haven't seen ANYTHING from them for a LONG TIME,
> > with
> > 
> > respect to the zaptel drivers. If they have been contributing
> > patches,
> > 
> > they are disguising their association with Sangoma.
> > 
> > 
> > Don't get me wrong. I AM a Digium employee! A software Developer to
> > be
> > 
> > specific,
> > 
> > an Asterisk developer to be precise. So, I AM highly biased towards
> > 
> > Digium! 
> > 
> > 
> > Digium has a harder job than Sangoma with respect to Asterisk. While
> > 
> > Digium 
> > 
> > takes a chunk of its revenue, and uses it to maintain and improve
> > 
> > Asterisk (not just the drivers), Sangoma doesn't, and it gives them
> > a
> > 
> > competitive edge. 
> > 
> > 
> > So, for all you folks who have bought Digium, I personally thank
> > you!
> > 
> > You have helped Asterisk, and you have personally helped ME. If you
> > have
> > 
> > long-range business or interest in Asterisk, you are indirectly
> > 
> > contributing to its growth and improvement when you buy Digium
> > products
> > 
> > & services.
> > 
> > 
> > murf
> > 
> > 
> > 

Steve Murphy
Software Developer

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