On Thu, Nov 01, 2007 at 01:09:24PM +0100, Benny Amorsen wrote:

> >>>>> "AM" == Anselm Martin Hoffmeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> AM> Maybe the GSM codec is implanted to the "GSM chip" and that one
> AM> does alaw, ulaw...
> Also, modern handsets like the E90 rarely use the plain GSM codec.
> They use newer codecs such as EFR whenever possible. Asterisk probably
> won't support EFR anytime soon; it is patent encumbered and not
> particularly suited for LAN or WLAN use.

GSM networks are circuit switched and use 13Kb/s slots (i.e. GSM codec
is 13Kb/s codec).

3G should just be data, so there's a wider choice of codecs.


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