
> I just installed the mysql cdr support and my database is not registering 
> the calls :(
> It is necessary to unload the cdr_csv.so? how to do it?


> [global]
> hostname=localhost
> dbname=asteriskcdrdb
> password=new_password 
> user=asteriskcdruser

Make sure you can connect from the box that runs Asterisk to mySQL:

mysql -u asteriskcdruser -p
then: use asteriskcdrdb
then: explain cdr;

If that works ok but you still cannot write to mySQL with Asterisk:
use hostname=<fqdn> instead of hostname=localhost
also uncomment the port=3306 part

> i copied the crd_mysql.conf to the /etc/asterisk directory..it is to be 
> there ..or not?

Yep, but check the name - it is "cdr" not "crd".

> How can i know if asterisk is or not trying to register the calls to the 
> database?

Check /var/log/asterisk/messages

Hint: You should probably also want to enable the UNIQUEID field
Read more at http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+billing and click on 
the red "comments" tab on the top of the screen, then scroll down.

Cheers, Philipp

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