srinivas Antarvedi wrote:
> Hello all,
> Here is the requirement from my side
> to  use Asterisk.NET API  to  generate
> an automated call  (outgoing)  from asterisk
> and then link to one of the extensions which
> plays a sound file for the callee.
> For this i have worked out in the follwing way
> 1)modified manager.conf to facilitate this API to talk to asterisk
> 2)used the command Originate to call a Registered user under
>    asterisk and when the user answers the phone it plays whatever
>    i put against the extension..
> But my exact requirement is like this
> 1)Call to the user
> 2)if answers connect him to the extension provided in the extensions.conf
> 3)if the user didnt lift the phone within the deault timeout period(30 sec)
> 4)if the user cancels the phone (Congestion case)
> 5)if the user not registerd to the(unreachable case)
> to trace the cases of 3, 4, 5 how should i follow the API
> I got confused with originate action,orginate sucess event , originate 
> failure event

Download the Manager API Testing Utility.  I wrote to help me with a software 
program that I was writing that used the Manager API heavily.  Allows you to 
view the AMI activity, send commands, etc outside of your dev environment. 
Helped me a lot and its fee to use.

You can also get it on:

Wish I had more time to do Asterisk related development, its a lot of fun...

Warm Regards,


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