the attached log with verbose=6 and debug=6 refers.

we've got a sangoma A104 (no hwec) with PRI ports 1 & 3 loopbacked to each
other. we're trying to have txfax send out on one of those pri ports with
rxfax listening on the other side, hence having asterisk send a fax to
itself. we however have bad, and i mean really bad (<10%) success rates.

we're currently using asterisk 1.2.24 with spandsp 0.0.4-20071214
(snapshot of 14/12/07) and we keep getting "Fax send not successful -
result (25) No response after sending a page." errors. ECM is turned on in
both app_txfax.c and app_rxfax.c.

from what we gather just reading the code, time T4 expires in txfax because
apparently rxfax is not sending a response back out, and thus after the
maximum message retries (3) txfax just drops the call, leading rxfax to
say that the call was dropped prematurely.

does anyone know what's going on here, and if there is a version of
spandsp which could work in this scenario ?

Regards,                           /\_/\   "All dogs go to heaven."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                (0 0)
| for a in past present future; do                                        |
|   for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do   |
|   echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b."  |
| done; done                                                              |
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Attempting call on Zap/g1/1002 
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1 (Retry 1)
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Using channel 1
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Requested transfer capability: 
0x00 - SPEECH
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '2' (In 
use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '2' (In 
use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Accepting call from '' to '1002' 
on channel 0/1, span 2
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: No echo cancellation requested
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/32 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer'
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Answer("Zap/32-1", "") 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Wait'
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Wait("Zap/32-1", "") in 
new stack
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/32-1", 
"FAXFILE=/tmp/FAX-1198233125.1.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Function result is '1002'
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/32-1", 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'RxFAX'
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing RxFAX("Zap/32-1", 
"/tmp/FAX-1198233125.1.tiff|debug") in new stack
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/32' changed to state '2' 
(In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/32 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to read format slin
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to write format slin
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/32' changed to state '2' 
(In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Queuing frame from PRI_EVENT_PROCEEDING 
on channel 0/1 span 1
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: No echo cancellation requested
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:        > Channel Zap/1-1 was answered.
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer'
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Answer("Zap/1-1", "") 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/1-1", 
"CDR(userfield)=FAX-1") in new stack
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'TxFAX'
Dec 21 18:32:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing TxFAX("Zap/1-1", 
"/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing_fax/page.1.1.tiff|caller|debug") in new stack
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to read format slin
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to write format slin
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:32:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '2' (In 
use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:32:06 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Allocate call number
Dec 21 18:32:06 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Registration created on call 1
Dec 21 18:32:07 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:07 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:32:07 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:32:07 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:09 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:32:09 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:09 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:09 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:32:11 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 8
Dec 21 18:32:11 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:11 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:11 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 8
Dec 21 18:32:11 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Switching from V.29 + V.21 to 
V.29 (-17.03dBm0)
Dec 21 18:32:12 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:32:12 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:12 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:12 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:32:14 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 8
Dec 21 18:32:14 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:14 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:14 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 8
Dec 21 18:32:14 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Switching from V.29 + V.21 to 
V.29 (-18.30dBm0)
Dec 21 18:32:36 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Peer lastms 1, historicms 2, maxms 2000
Dec 21 18:32:54 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:54 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:32:56 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:32:56 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:56 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Allocate call number
Dec 21 18:32:56 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Registration created on call 4
Dec 21 18:32:59 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:32:59 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:00 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:00 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:04 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:04 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:05 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:05 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:08 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:08 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:09 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:09 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:13 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:13 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:14 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:14 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 1
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: Fax send not successful - result (25) 
No response after sending a page.
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 13
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 13
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to read format alaw
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to write format alaw
Dec 21 18:33:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:   == Auto fallthrough, channel 'Zap/1-1' 
status is 'UNKNOWN'
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:33:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/1-1", 
PROTECTED]/provisioning/interface.php/") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Function result is '1198233125.0'
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:33:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/1-1", 
"UNIQUEID=1198233125.0") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Zap/1-1'
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: zt_hangup(Zap/1-1)
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: ON(1) on 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Hangup: channel: 1 index = 0, normal = 
12, callwait = -1, thirdcall = -1
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once 
with icause, and clearing call
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option TDD MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Updated conferencing on 1, with 0 
conference users
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:33:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
Dec 21 18:33:15 NOTICE[205] pbx_spool.c: Call completed to Zap/g1/1002
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 0 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '0' 
(Unknown) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:33:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Channel 0/1, span 2 got hangup 
request, cause 16
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: Got hangup
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to read format alaw
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to write format alaw
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: Fax receive not successful - result 
(51) The call dropped prematurely.
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 13
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 13
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Extension 1002, priority 5 returned normally 
even though call was hung up
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp'
Dec 21 18:33:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing NoOp("Zap/32-1", 
"FAXFILE") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'System'
Dec 21 18:33:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing System("Zap/32-1", 
"/bin/cp /tmp/FAX-1198233125.1.tiff 
/var/spool/asterisk/fax/FAX-1002--1198233125----1198233125.1.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'System'
Dec 21 18:33:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing System("Zap/32-1", 
"/bin/rm /tmp/FAX-1198233125.1.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Zap/32-1'
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: zt_hangup(Zap/32-1)
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: ON(1) on 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Hangup: channel: 32 index = 0, normal = 
42, callwait = -1, thirdcall = -1
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once 
with icause, and clearing call
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option TDD MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Updated conferencing on 32, with 0 
conference users
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:33:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Hungup 'Zap/32-1'
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/32 - state 0 
Dec 21 18:33:15 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/32' changed to state '0' 
(Unknown) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Attempting call on Zap/g1/1002 
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1 (Retry 1)
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Using channel 1
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Requested transfer capability: 
0x00 - SPEECH
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '2' (In 
use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '2' (In 
use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Accepting call from '' to '1002' 
on channel 0/1, span 2
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: No echo cancellation requested
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/32 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer'
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Answer("Zap/32-1", "") 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Wait'
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Wait("Zap/32-1", "") in 
new stack
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/32-1", 
"FAXFILE=/tmp/FAX-1198233215.3.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Function result is '1002'
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/32-1", 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'RxFAX'
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing RxFAX("Zap/32-1", 
"/tmp/FAX-1198233215.3.tiff|debug") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to read format slin
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to write format slin
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/32' changed to state '2' 
(In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/32 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/32' changed to state '2' 
(In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Queuing frame from PRI_EVENT_PROCEEDING 
on channel 0/1 span 1
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: No echo cancellation requested
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:        > Channel Zap/1-1 was answered.
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer'
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Answer("Zap/1-1", "") 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/1-1", 
"CDR(userfield)=FAX-1") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'TxFAX'
Dec 21 18:33:35 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing TxFAX("Zap/1-1", 
"/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing_fax/page.1.1.tiff|caller|debug") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to read format slin
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to write format slin
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:33:35 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '2' (In 
use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:33:36 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Peer lastms 3, historicms 2, maxms 2000
Dec 21 18:33:37 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:37 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:37 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:37 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:39 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:39 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:39 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:39 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:41 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 8
Dec 21 18:33:41 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:41 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:41 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 8
Dec 21 18:33:41 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Switching from V.29 + V.21 to 
V.29 (-17.29dBm0)
Dec 21 18:33:43 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:43 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:43 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:43 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:44 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:44 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:44 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:44 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:46 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:46 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 7
Dec 21 18:33:46 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:46 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:47 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Allocate call number
Dec 21 18:33:47 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Registration created on call 2
Dec 21 18:33:47 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:47 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 1
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: Fax receive not successful - result 
(13) Unexpected message received.
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 13
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 13
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to read format alaw
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to write format alaw
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'System'
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing System("Zap/32-1", 
"/bin/cp /tmp/FAX-1198233215.3.tiff 
/var/spool/asterisk/fax/FAX-1002--1198233215----1198233215.3.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Hangup'
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Hangup("Zap/32-1", "") 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Spawn extension (rxfax,1002,7) exited 
non-zero on 'Zap/32-1'
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:   == Spawn extension (rxfax, 1002, 7) 
exited non-zero on 'Zap/32-1'
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp'
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing NoOp("Zap/32-1", 
"FAXFILE") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'System'
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing System("Zap/32-1", 
"/bin/cp /tmp/FAX-1198233215.3.tiff 
/var/spool/asterisk/fax/FAX-1002--1198233215----1198233215.3.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'System'
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing System("Zap/32-1", 
"/bin/rm /tmp/FAX-1198233215.3.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Zap/32-1'
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: zt_hangup(Zap/32-1)
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: ON(1) on 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Hangup: channel: 32 index = 0, normal = 
42, callwait = -1, thirdcall = -1
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once 
with icause, and clearing call
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option TDD MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Updated conferencing on 32, with 0 
conference users
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Hungup 'Zap/32-1'
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/32 - state 0 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/32' changed to state '0' 
(Unknown) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup 
request, cause 16
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: Got hangup
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to read format alaw
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to write format alaw
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: Fax send not successful - result (51) 
The call dropped prematurely.
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 13
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 13
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Extension 1024, priority 3 returned normally 
even though call was hung up
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/1-1", 
PROTECTED]/provisioning/interface.php/") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Function result is '1198233215.2'
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/1-1", 
"UNIQUEID=1198233215.2") in new stack
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Zap/1-1'
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: zt_hangup(Zap/1-1)
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: ON(1) on 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Hangup: channel: 1 index = 0, normal = 
12, callwait = -1, thirdcall = -1
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once 
with icause, and clearing call
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option TDD MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Updated conferencing on 1, with 0 
conference users
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:33:48 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
Dec 21 18:33:48 NOTICE[205] pbx_spool.c: Call completed to Zap/g1/1002
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 0 
Dec 21 18:33:48 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '0' 
(Unknown) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Attempting call on Zap/g1/1002 
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1 (Retry 1)
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Using channel 1
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Requested transfer capability: 
0x00 - SPEECH
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '2' (In 
use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '2' (In 
use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Accepting call from '' to '1002' 
on channel 0/1, span 2
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: No echo cancellation requested
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/32 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer'
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Answer("Zap/32-1", "") 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Wait'
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Wait("Zap/32-1", "") in 
new stack
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/32-1", 
"FAXFILE=/tmp/FAX-1198233245.5.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Function result is '1002'
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/32-1", 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'RxFAX'
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing RxFAX("Zap/32-1", 
"/tmp/FAX-1198233245.5.tiff|debug") in new stack
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to read format slin
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to write format slin
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/32' changed to state '2' 
(In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/32 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/32' changed to state '2' 
(In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Queuing frame from PRI_EVENT_PROCEEDING 
on channel 0/1 span 1
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: No echo cancellation requested
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:        > Channel Zap/1-1 was answered.
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer'
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Answer("Zap/1-1", "") 
in new stack
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/1-1", 
"CDR(userfield)=FAX-1") in new stack
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'TxFAX'
Dec 21 18:34:05 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing TxFAX("Zap/1-1", 
"/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing_fax/page.1.1.tiff|caller|debug") in new stack
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to read format slin
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to write format slin
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 2 
(In use)
Dec 21 18:34:05 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '2' (In 
use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:34:07 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:07 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:34:08 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:34:08 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:09 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:34:09 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:09 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:09 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:34:11 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 8
Dec 21 18:34:11 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:11 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:11 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 8
Dec 21 18:34:11 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Switching from V.29 + V.21 to 
V.29 (-17.03dBm0)
Dec 21 18:34:13 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:34:13 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:13 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:13 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:34:14 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 8
Dec 21 18:34:14 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:14 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:14 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 8
Dec 21 18:34:14 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Switching from V.29 + V.21 to 
V.29 (-17.51dBm0)
Dec 21 18:34:36 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Peer lastms 1, historicms 1, maxms 2000
Dec 21 18:34:37 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Allocate call number
Dec 21 18:34:37 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Registration created on call 1
Dec 21 18:34:54 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:54 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:34:56 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:34:56 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:59 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:34:59 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:35:00 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:35:00 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:35:04 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:35:04 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:35:05 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:35:05 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:35:08 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:35:08 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:35:10 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 4
Dec 21 18:35:10 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 0
Dec 21 18:35:13 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:35:13 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 4
Dec 21 18:35:14 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 0
Dec 21 18:35:14 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 1
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: Fax send not successful - result (25) 
No response after sending a page.
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 13
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 13
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_txfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to read format alaw
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/1-1 to write format alaw
Dec 21 18:35:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:   == Auto fallthrough, channel 'Zap/1-1' 
status is 'UNKNOWN'
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:35:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/1-1", 
PROTECTED]/provisioning/interface.php/") in new stack
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Function result is '1198233245.4'
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
Dec 21 18:35:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing Set("Zap/1-1", 
"UNIQUEID=1198233245.4") in new stack
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Zap/1-1'
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: zt_hangup(Zap/1-1)
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: ON(1) on 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Hangup: channel: 1 index = 0, normal = 
12, callwait = -1, thirdcall = -1
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once 
with icause, and clearing call
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option TDD MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Updated conferencing on 1, with 0 
conference users
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:35:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
Dec 21 18:35:15 NOTICE[205] pbx_spool.c: Call completed to Zap/g1/1002
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/1 - state 0 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/1' changed to state '0' 
(Unknown) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:35:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Channel 0/1, span 2 got hangup 
request, cause 16
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: Got hangup
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to read format alaw
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Set channel Zap/32-1 to write format alaw
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: Fax receive not successful - result 
(51) The call dropped prematurely.
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set rx type 13
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX Set tx type 13
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_rxfax.c: FLOW FAX FAX exchange complete
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Extension 1002, priority 5 returned normally 
even though call was hung up
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp'
Dec 21 18:35:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing NoOp("Zap/32-1", 
"FAXFILE") in new stack
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'System'
Dec 21 18:35:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing System("Zap/32-1", 
"/bin/cp /tmp/FAX-1198233245.5.tiff 
/var/spool/asterisk/fax/FAX-1002--1198233245----1198233245.5.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] pbx.c: Launching 'System'
Dec 21 18:35:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Executing System("Zap/32-1", 
"/bin/rm /tmp/FAX-1198233245.5.tiff") in new stack
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Zap/32-1'
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: zt_hangup(Zap/32-1)
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: ON(1) on 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Hangup: channel: 32 index = 0, normal = 
42, callwait = -1, thirdcall = -1
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once 
with icause, and clearing call
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option TDD MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Updated conferencing on 32, with 0 
conference users
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] chan_zap.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: OFF(0) on 
Dec 21 18:35:15 VERBOSE[205] logger.c:     -- Hungup 'Zap/32-1'
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] devicestate.c: Changing state for Zap/32 - state 0 
Dec 21 18:35:15 DEBUG[205] app_queue.c: Device 'Zap/32' changed to state '0' 
(Unknown) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
Dec 21 18:35:27 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Allocate call number
Dec 21 18:35:27 DEBUG[205] chan_iax2.c: Registration created on call 4
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