> On Sat, 2003-12-13 at 16:41, Joe Dennick wrote:
>> I just updated yesterday, but I did a complete rm -Rf for all of the
>> following directories:
>>      /usr/src/zaptel
>>      /usr/src/zapata
>>      /usr/src/libpri
>>      /usr/src/asterisk
>> Then I did a new cvs checkout for all four of those items before
>> recompiling them (make clean; make install) in the same order.
>> My Asterisk now states that its running Version CVS-12/12/03-09:47:51.
> I use make update. In the Makefile under update: is the instruction rm
> -f .version
> --
> Dave Cotton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to everyone who replied to this question.  I got rid of the hidden
files and reloaded from CVS. It is ok now.    Guess over the next days
I'll go through the archives and learn a bit more about using CVS to
maintain updates.

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