On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 10:05:56AM +0200, Peter Zeltins wrote:
> My Asterisk box also does NAT for internal network, and
> establishes site-to-site VPN tunnel(s). As a result I have
> several internal interfaces with private addresses on them, and
> only one public interface. By trial-and-error I've found out that
> FWD (SIP) won't work unless I disable my VPN tunnels - it would
> send the internal IP address to FWD's SIP server instead of public
> one. I assume "bindaddress" in SIP.CONF is what I need (bind only
> to public IP), but the problem is that my public IP is dynamic!
> Any ideas? Or have I missed something?

This can be a tricky one. If you only use one address range internally,
i.e. broken up into subnets, then you should be fine
with the SIP+NAT patch from bug #104.

Since your public IP is dynamic, you will need to give it a stable
name -- perhaps set up Dynamic DNS or use one of the DDNS providers
so that you will know that the name, myhost.myip.com always maps
to the correct address.

Then, put 


in sip.conf. as long as localnet is a superset of your internal
address ranges, it should be fine.

If you are using multiple RFC1918 address ranges, more than one of,,, then you will have a problem
because at the moment, we only support one internal address range
in the localnet parameter. In the future it may be possible to
do something like

localnets = {,, }

but for now, not.

hope this helps,
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