Hi there
this is an interesting topic that I see here and a problem that I am trying to 
solve too.
But I was wondering if the forwarding solution will work for my case. 
So I have two Asterisk boxes A and B.
A is behind a corporate NAT such that A can SSH to B, but not vice versa( 
"One-way SSH" ) . The UDP port 5060 of the corporate NAT is blocked off and I 
will not be able to have it unblocked for security reasons.  
Hence, is my only choice using an SSH tunnel between A and B for the IAX 
connection to work? Will it work though with that "One-way SSH" factor 
mentioned before?

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: asterisk-users@lists.digium.com> Date: Wed, 2 
> Jan 2008 16:29:45 +0000> Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Two Asterisks behind 
> NAT and need to link them using IAX trunk> > Sure, but if (as is often the 
> case) you only have control over the > firewall at one end of the> link, you 
> set the forwarding at the end you control and have the far > end to register 
> to you every> 30 seconds.> > Tim.> On 2 Jan 2008, at 15:13, Rob Hillis 
> wrote:> > > Perhaps. I've never been one to trust that firewalls operate as > 
> > they should - I've been bitten far too many times by a firewall that > > 
> doesn't quite behave as you expect. Also, when diagnosing network > > 
> connectivity problems, I find that it helps to have the rules in > > place 
> rather than having to infer the rule.> >> > Tim Panton wrote:> >>> >> If you 
> are careful, you only need to setup a port forward at one end> >> of the IAX 
> trunk.> >>> >> Have one Asterisk register (regularly) with the other.> >> The 
> second asterisk (server) will need to have port 4569 forwarded> >> through 
> it's router.> >> The first asterisk (client) wont need any port forwarding.> 
> >>> >> Tim.> >> On 2 Jan 2008, at 10:18, Rob Hillis wrote:> >>> >>> >>> The 
> reason that IAX2 is considered good for NAT issues is that it> >>> uses only 
> one port for both control messages and voice traffic as> >>> opposed to SIP 
> that uses a predictable port for control messages and> >>> an unpredictable 
> one for voice/video traffic.> >>>> >>> If both servers are behind NAT 
> servers, you will need to ensure that> >>> the appropriate UDP port (by 
> default 4569) are forwarded to your> >>> Asterisk servers. Only this port is 
> required - RTP isn't used by> >>> IAX2.> >>>> >>> bilal ghayyad wrote:> >>>> 
> >>>> Hi List;> >>>>> >>>> I heared that IAX is good for NATing issues, but I 
> do> >>>> not know if it can help me in that senario:> >>>>> >>>> I have two 
> Asterisks machines in different sites and> >>>> both are behind NAT (both 
> have private IP address), I> >>>> need to link these two asterisks with IAX 
> trunk (if it> >>>> help really in such senario), but I do not know if it> 
> >>>> will work without doing special routing settings on> >>>> the router 
> (like TCP/UDP port mapping or IP> >>>> forwarding)? How that will be it if 
> possible? Or I> >>>> have to do a kind of port mapping?> >>>>> >>>> If I will 
> need to use port mapping, then I have to map> >>>> the TCP and UDP ports that 
> are determined in iax.conf> >>>> and rtp.conf files at site A for asterisk ip 
> address> >>>> at site A? Or I have to map the TCP and UDP ports that> >>>> 
> are in iax.conf and rtp.conf at site B for asterisk ip> >>>> address at site 
> A? In other words, if I am at site B> >>>> then I have to go for router B and 
> do mapping for> >>>> TCP/UDP ports of the asterisk at site B or the> >>>> 
> asterisk at site A?> >>>>> >>>> Any help.> >>>> Regards> >>>> Bilal> >>>>> 
> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> 
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