Hello List,

I am currently having a bit of a strange issue with a pair of asterisk servers 
that we recently set up.

For a bit of background, this particular business has two sites in two 
different towns, about 10 minutes apart. They have 3 analogue PSTN lines 
connected to the asterisk servers at each location, via a Sangoma A200 (with 
HEC). They are trying to have just the one receptionist for the whole 
organization, answering calls that come in for both locations.

We have a problem where some calls (seemingly randomly) appear to get one way 
audio. This only happens for inbound calls off the PSTN, if they follow this 
pattern (which is a fair number of calls):

Call comes in from PSTN to site A, gets put into a queue to be answered by 
receptionist as site B. Receptionist answers the call, and then puts the call 
on hold to perform an attended transfer to an extension at site A. (The call 
from the receptionist to the extension is OK). When the receptionist hits the 
'transfer' button to actually transfer the call, the original caller cannot 
hear anything. The internal extension can hear the caller OK.

This problem does not occur on every call. Since the issue has risen its head, 
I have enabled core, sip and iax debugging, but I am of yet unable to get the 
issue to occur on its own, to have a good look at the log files.

FYI, I have disabled the asterisk Dial Commands in FreePBX, to solve another 
issue (where call audio bounces between the servers for a call that is 
transferred between sites and back again).

Both servers are asterisk version 1.2.23, freepbx version

I have posted the contents of the iax.conf file below (which is identical on 
both servers). If there is any further information I can provide, please let me 
know and I can get this information.




#include iax_general_custom.conf
#include iax_registrations_custom.conf
#include iax_registrations.conf
#include iax_custom.conf
#include iax_additional.conf

Any suggestions are very welcome.


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