Jerry Geis wrote:
>> On Tue, 2008-04-01 at 13:24 -0400, Jerry Geis wrote:
>> >/ I call into the dialplan and try to play demo-congrats and I hear 
>> nothing.
>> />/ />/ Firewall is disabled. />/ Everything is on the 192.168.1.X 
>> network for this simple configuration.
>> />/ The tftp server is giving the polycom phone the config files.
>> />/ />/ Any ideas why I dont hear audio?
>> /
>> Do you happen to have an unconfigured T1 card in your machine?  That's
>> the most common problem I see for people when they get no audio at all
>> coming out of Asterisk.  If that's not the case, I'd turn RTP debugging
>> on in the command-line and make sure RTP packets are coming and going
>> from the Asterisk box.
>> -- 
>> Jared Smith
>> Community Relations Manager
>> Digium, Inc.
> Jared,
> I have no card in this unit at this time.
> lsmod shows ztdummy loaded.
> I turned on "rtp debug" and got a bunch of lines like:
> Got RTP packet from ....
> Does that help you?
> Jerry
I have found the echo command. I modified the dialplan to use echo.
I turned on rtp debug and I see packets going BOTH ways.

I have looked all through the zaptel.conf (below)
everything is commented out. there are no cards in my box. zapata looks 
the same everything commented out.

I am not finding a reason for not getting audio packets sent back to the 

Any suggestion on something to try?



# Zaptel Configuration File
# This file is parsed by the Zaptel Configurator, ztcfg
# First come the span definitions, in the format
# span=<span num>,<timing>,<line build out (LBO)>,<framing>,<coding>[,yellow]
# The timing parameter determines the selection of primary, secondary, and
# so on sync sources.  If this span should be considered a primary sync
# source, then give it a value of "1".  For a secondary, use "2", and so on.
# To not use this as a sync source, just use "0"
# The line build-out (or LBO) is an integer, from the following table:
# 0: 0 db (CSU) / 0-133 feet (DSX-1)
# 1: 133-266 feet (DSX-1)
# 2: 266-399 feet (DSX-1)
# 3: 399-533 feet (DSX-1)
# 4: 533-655 feet (DSX-1)
# 5: -7.5db (CSU)
# 6: -15db (CSU)
# 7: -22.5db (CSU)
# The framing is one of "d4" or "esf" for T1 or "cas" or "ccs" for E1
# Note: "d4" could be referred to as "sf" or "superframe" 
# The coding is one of "ami" or "b8zs" for T1 or "ami" or "hdb3" for E1
# E1's may have the additional keyword "crc4" to enable CRC4 checking
# If the keyword "yellow" follows, yellow alarm is transmitted when no
# channels are open.
# Next come the dynamic span definitions, in the form:
# dynamic=<driver>,<address>,<numchans>,<timing>
# Where <driver> is the name of the driver (e.g. eth), <address> is the
# driver specific address (like a MAC for eth), <numchans> is the number
# of channels, and <timing> is a timing priority, like for a normal span.
# use "0" to not use this as a timing source, or prioritize them as
# primary, secondard, etc.  Note that you MUST have a REAL zaptel device
# if you are not using external timing.
# dynamic=eth,eth0/00:02:b3:35:43:9c,24,0
# Next come the definitions for using the channels.  The format is:
# <device>=<channel list>
# Valid devices are:
# "e&m"     : Channel(s) are signalled using E&M signalling (specific
#             implementation, such as Immediate, Wink, or Feature Group D
#             are handled by the userspace library).
# "fxsls"   : Channel(s) are signalled using FXS Loopstart protocol.
# "fxsgs"   : Channel(s) are signalled using FXS Groundstart protocol.
# "fxsks"   : Channel(s) are signalled using FXS Koolstart protocol.
# "fxols"   : Channel(s) are signalled using FXO Loopstart protocol.
# "fxogs"   : Channel(s) are signalled using FXO Groundstart protocol.
# "fxoks"   : Channel(s) are signalled using FXO Koolstart protocol.
# "sf"      : Channel(s) are signalled using in-band single freq tone.
#               Syntax as follows: 
#                channel# => 
#               rxfreq is rx tone freq in hz, rxbw is rx notch (and decode)
#               bandwith in hz (typically 10.0), rxflag is either 'normal' or
#               'inverted', txfreq is tx tone freq in hz, txlevel is tx tone 
#               level in dbm, txflag is either 'normal' or 'inverted'. Set 
#               rxfreq or txfreq to 0.0 if that tone is not desired.
# "unused"  : No signalling is performed, each channel in the list remains idle
# "clear"   : Channel(s) are bundled into a single span.  No conversion or
#             signalling is performed, and raw data is available on the master.
# "indclear": Like "clear" except all channels are treated individually and
#             are not bundled.  "bchan" is an alias for this.
# "rawhdlc" : The zaptel driver performs HDLC encoding and decoding on the 
#             bundle, and the resulting data is communicated via the master
#             device.
# "fcshdlc" : The zapdel driver performs HDLC encoding and decoding on the
#             bundle and also performs incoming and outgoing FCS insertion
#             and verification.  "dchan" is an alias for this.
# "nethdlc" : The zaptel driver bundles the channels together into an
#             hdlc network device, which in turn can be configured with
#             sethdlc (available separately).
# "dacs"    : The zaptel driver cross connects the channels starting at
#             the channel number listed at the end, after a colon
# The channel list is a comma-separated list of channels or ranges, for
# example:
#   1,3,5 (channels one, three, and five)
#   16-23, 29 (channels 16 through 23, as well as channel 29
# So, some complete examples are:
#   e&m=1-12
#   nethdlc=13-24
#   fxsls=25,26,27,28
#   fxols=29-32

# Finally, you can preload some tone zones, to prevent them from getting
# overwritten by other users (if you allow non-root users to open /dev/zap/*
# interfaces anyway.  Also this means they won't have to be loaded at runtime.
# The format is "loadzone=<zone>" where the zone is a two letter country code.
# You may also specify a default zone with "defaultzone=<zone>" where zone
# is a two letter country code.
loadzone = us
#loadzone = us-old

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