On Sat, 2003-12-20 at 16:57, Rich Adamson wrote:
> I'm in the process of reworking my dialplan to include an ivr and
> other items. I've seen several examples over the last several months
> that mention the "s", "h", "t" (and probably others) extensions, but
> I don't fully understand what they are used for. Can someone either
> give a short definition of each or point me towards some doc?

s = Start. Used primarily for dialplans that enter a context with no
other extension information. Think of a non DID phone line, call comes
in, and we may only know that the line is ringing and nothing else. Even
if you knew callerid, you have to still have a place to start. You can
also think about s as a place to place part of the dialplan that you
don't want callers to get back to unless they have passed through other

t = Timeout. Used for when calls have been inactive after a prompt was
played. Also used to hang up a line that has been idle.

h = Hangup. Used to clean up a call. Could be used to play a goodbye
message before hanging up. Also seemingly used by the calling card
people to record end of call for billing purposes.

Steven Critchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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