> At present, I have to manually start Asterisk from the command line, 
> but I'd like to have it automatically start up (and in the correct 
> mode) at startup.
> Can anybody guide me in configuring the system to start Asterisk from 
> bootup... Probably a highly remedial question - but you've 
> got to start 
> somewhere!

I actually use an entry in my /etc/inittab for asterisk.

x:2345:respawn:/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -q

It starts when I boot, and I can open a console to it with:

asterisk -rvvv

Another nice advantage to this is that if I want to restart asterisk
completely I only have to issue a 'stop now' command and it will respawn
after it exits.

Tony Kava
Network Administrator
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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