I have gotten the Cisco 7960 working with my Asterisk system under SIP.
The version is 5.03 that I am using.  Cisco Support said I should not
upgrade to version 6 yet. My next question is the sound is patchy when
people here me.  But I can hear them just fine not patchy.  I have the
188 page Admin manual and it seem not to say anything about improving
the sound. All other phones like IPDialog work fine without the patchy
sound.   I have tried ulaw and alaw as the codex.  Both sound the same!
Is there any other settings that can be done.  I remember that the
X-lite has a transmit silence but I could not find this setting in there

P.S. the Contract for the 7960 cost us  $ 83.40 for each phone.  This I
feel is high.

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