Steve Murphy wrote:
> Hello--
> Why do I target chan_sip for so much effort?  Because, 
> it seems to me, chan_sip is probably the most used channel 
> driver in the asterisk community!! (and, of course,
> the zap/dahdi driver, is also pretty popular)
> I haven't had time to follow up on chan_sip, and I probably 
> won't for several months. 
> But, if I had time, here is what I'd do:
> There are two ways to speed up chan_sip, and they are separate issues,
> tied together on how many cpu cycles they use up:
> 1. Call setup/teardown (invites/hangups) -- limits the calls/sec
> asterisk can handle.

one of the big issues in sip callsetup performance, that appears to me 
in current trunk, is about 500ms delay in propagation SIP/OK message 
between bridged parties
eg.: one party answers call, send SIP/OK with SDP to asterisk, asterisk 
then forwards it to other party, but with unacceptable delay about 500ms!
this is so much, that users complaining about lost first word of speech 
I posted info about this to bugreport, that seems to be related to this, 
look at my message:
I also attach graph picture from wireshark, that clearly ilustrated, 
where is problem.... (OK-SDP-delay.png )

> 2. Sound processing: Moving around the sound data (frames) between
> channels,
> -- limits the number of simultaneous conversations asterisk can handle.
> For Call setup/teardown speed improvements:
> a. I would profile how much time is spent by the handlers in the 
>    various situations (handling invites, etc).
>    Theory: the cps (calls/sec) rate is currently limited by 
>            the time it takes to process INVITE requests. You
>            measure the time spent in handling INVITEs and
>            find the average number of microseconds spent,
>            and my suspicion is that the inverse of this
>            time (in sec) would be the number of calls/sec
>            chan_sip can handle. If this is the case, then
>            find where the invite is spending all its time.
>            Theory: The majority of chan_sip's INVITE
>                    processing time is spent in creating the
>                    thread for running the PBX.
>      If both theories above prove true, then to increase the
>      cps rating of asterisk, you institute a fairly large
>      thread pool (like what chan_iax does). Chan_iax uses
>      its thread pool to handle network request processing;
>      chan_sip can do this also, or just use its thread pool
>      for pbx threads. Going the pbx_start route might
>      be tactically better-- it could be used to speed
>      up EVERY channel driver, instead of just chan_sip.
>      Either way, thread pools would reduce the invite
>      time substantially, and allow a higher cps rating.
>      Also, if the above theories both prove true, then
>      I'd copy the thread pool stuff in chan_iax,
>      and make it pretty generic, and use
>      it as a basis for forming a thread pool for
>      running the pbx, then retrofit the chan_iax
>      code to also use the generic pool for 
>      network request handling...
>      If either or both of the above theories prove 
>      false, then the only path left is profile 
>      asterisk running near saturation, and optimize
>      the routines that are hogging the most cpu
>      cycles.
> To Enhance the Number of Simultaneous Conversations:
> b. Carefully profile asterisk while near saturation,
>    find the chief cpu cycle absorbers, and optimize them.
>    Theory: Optimizing maybe the top 5 cycle-burning routines
>    could yield a noticeable improvement in how many
>    simultaneous conversations asterisk could handle.
>    Of course, for just numbers, you use the fastest
>    codecs. If the codecs end up being the limiting
>    factor, (and they may just be), optimizing those
>    might be very rewarding, also, but then again,
>    they are pretty optimized already (I hope!).
>    When it comes to optimization, there are often
>    surprising cases where improvements can be made!
> If some brave soul is interested in helping with this,
> feel free to dive in.
> murf
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