When using mysql cdrs, are all legs of a call session logged in the cdr
table? i'm building an app that requires billing on both the incoming and
outgoing (3rd-party transfers) legs.

here's a snapshot of my cdr table:

| calldate            | src | dst | channel | dstchannel | duration |
billsec |
| 2003-12-31 16:19:08 |     | s   | vpb/1-3 | vpb/1-1    |       69 |
67 |
| 2003-12-31 16:20:25 |     | s   | vpb/1-3 | vpb/1-1    |       48 |
47 |

can someone verify if my assumptions below are correct?

1) these two records are for two call sessions, where both sessions had an
inbound and an outbound leg
2) the 'duration' column only shows total time for the inbound leg

if assumption #2 is correct, how would i be able to record the duration when
the outbound leg is bridged in to the inbound leg?


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