On Thu, 2004-01-01 at 03:17, Josh Roberson wrote:
> I've never had early dial working, however, I resolved my multiple digit
> issue by simply putting both the GS phones and asterisk in INFO mode.
> This worked on both firmware on the budgetone and the ATA286,
> as well as firmware.  I'm not saying I don't believe you, but
> doubelcheck your lines in asterisk to be dtmfmode=info and the gs
> devices are on SIP INFO method, and your DTMF Payload type is 101.

The really strange thing is that my voicemail system had worked
flawlessly before, with the firmware. What had changed is that
I was running SER and had * and the GS on 5061 to avoid clashing with
SER on the same machine. Because I couldn't get SER compiled I
reconfigured back to 5060 and then my problems started.
Dave Cotton
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