On Sun, 2008-11-23 at 00:47 -0500, Al Baker wrote:
> Quote "
> The preferred method is to use func_odbc, which takes SQL queries and 
> builds custom dialplan functions from them. I've used it quite a bit,
> and am very happy with it."
> How can you be VERY HappY with  something that allows ONLY single statemts of 

My intention here is not to start a flamewar over which one is *best*,
or worse to start arguing about who is right instead of what is right.
You're absolutely correct in your assertion that func_odbc doesn't
currently support multi-statement or transactional statements, which is
obviously a limitation to some people.  As I pointed out in my other
response to this thread this morning, Tilghman Lesher is working on
that.  Feel free to look at his odbc_tx_support branch on the web at
http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/tilghman/odbc_tx_support/, or
to check it out via Subversion at

One other way of working around the problem is to use stored procedures
in the database.

That being said, I guess I'll articulate my own personal reasons for
preferring func_odbc, and leave it at that.

1) I like that my dialplan isn't tied to one particular database.  I've
done a *lot* of database work in my short career, including being a
sysadmin for one of the largest MySQL database installations in the
world.  I *love* the fact that the ODBC abstraction layer means I can
easily change my backend database from MySQL to PostgreSQL (or Oracle or
SQL Server, heaven forbid!) at the drop of a hat.  I realize that might
not be a big attraction for some, but for me it's a big plus.

2) I don't like the licensing mess associated with linking MySQL
directly to Asterisk.  I'm sure there are a few people on the list that
really enjoy the convoluted logic of tip-toeing the licensing minefield
of linking (dual-licensed) Asterisk with (dial-licensed) MySQL, but I
prefer to avoid the minefield altogether and use ODBC.

Jared Smith
Training Manager
Digium, Inc.

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