Have a question about implementing Call Rollover with my current extensions.conf configuration.



exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},20)           ; Ring the interface, 20 seconds maximum

exten => s,2,Voicemail2(u${ARG1})       ; If unavailable, send to voicemail w/ unavail announce

exten => s,3,Goto(default,s,1)          ; If they press #, return to start

exten => s,102,Voicemail2(b${ARG1})     ; If busy, send to voicemail w/ busy announce

exten => s,103,Goto(default,s,1)        ; If they press #, return to start



exten => s,1,Zapateller

exten => s,2,Wait,3

exten => s,3,Answer

exten => s,4,DigitTimeout,5

exten => s,5,ResponeTimeout,10

exten => s,6,Background(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm/100/Work/MainMenu/SDSgreet)

exten => 1,1,Goto(salesmenu,s,1)

exten => 2,1,Goto(technicalmenu,s,1)

exten => 3,1,Directory,default

exten => 4,1,Goto,s|6

exten => 5,1,Goto(remoteline,s,1)

exten => i,1,Playback(invalid)

exten => t,1,Goto(s,7)

exten => s,7,Background(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm/100/Work/MainMenu/goodbye)

exten => s,8,Hangup

include => SDSextensions

include => departmentextensions



exten => s,1,Ringing

exten => s,2,Wait,2

exten => s,3,Goto(SDSextensions,202,1)

exten => #,1,Goto(mainmenu,s,4)



exten => s,1,Ringing

exten => s,2,Wait,2

exten => s,3,Goto(SDSextensions,204,1)

exten => s,4,Goto(SDSextensions,206,1)

exten => s,5,Goto(SDSextensions,207,1)

exten => #,1,Goto(mainmenu,s,4)



include => macro-stdexten

exten => 201,1,Macro(stdexten,${KHVM},${KH})

exten => 202,1,Macro(stdexten,${BOVM},${BO})

exten => 203,1,Macro(stdexten,${GOVM},${GO})

exten => 204,1,Macro(stdexten,${DWVM},${DW})

exten => 205,1,Macro(stdexten,${RFVM},${RF})

exten => 206,1,Macro(stdexten,${BRVM},${BR})

exten => 207,1,Macro(stdexten,${CGVM},${CG})

exten => 208,1,Macro(stdexten,${AGVM},${AG})

exten => 209,1,Macro(stdexten,${MDVM},${MD})

exten => 300,1,Macro(stdexten,${TRVM},${TR})


Conventions used in my Macro stdexten lines:

InitialsVM = SIP address

initials = extension


Example for user John Doe:





My issue is that I want any calls coming into my [technicalmenu] context to rollover after a period of time to the next extension, 206, and then to 207.  If none of these

extensions pickup I want the call to route back to the initital extensions voicemail.  I am using the stdexten macro to implement the busy and unavailable voicemail automation.  I am using the Goto statements to goto the [SDSextensions] context and use the stdexten macro.  I want to know if there is a way with my current implementation to enter the technical menu -> follow the first extension to my [SDSextensions] context -> execute the stdexten macro and then have that macro timeout without going to voicemail and then execute the other extensions until the last extension is executed and then return to the first extensions voicemail.



System Information:

Asterisk CVS version: 12/11/2003-12:22:41



Dell Dimension 8300

Pentium 4 2.8GHz

512 Mb memory

120 Gb hard drive


3 X100P Cards

1 DSL Line



6 Snom200 Phones


Thanx in advance, this list has been very helpful, keep it up!


Ryan R. Fligg


Secured Digital Storage, Inc.

104 SW 4th St.

Des Moines, IA 50309

Phone: (515)-244-6290

Cell:     (720)-841-5802

Website: www.dstorage.com



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