On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 15:27, Todd Wallace wrote:
> I have an application that I want to be able to do with asterisk.  The
> scenario is this:
> Caller 1 is a user on asterisk.  He/she calls mom dialing her phone number
> from his phone.  Mom flashes and calls a third person and then bridges
> Caller 1 and Caller 3 through her phone.  I do not want Caller 1 to be able
> to place a call to the third party and therefore want to detect the third
> party call.  Is there a way to detect the flash that mom does?  That flash
> is being supplied from the central office on the line side....

You are wanting basically to stop your asterisk user from participating
in 3 way calls initiated by a remote user?

Basically you can't detect the hook flash if the "mom" is on the other
side of a PSTN link as a flash button will not incur a noise or signal
to your asterisk user. You might detect a noise if the actual hook
mechanism is used, but this will be different for different phones and

I don't think you will find that as an option for any hardware.
Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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