randulo wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:38 PM, SIP <s...@arcdiv.com> wrote:
>> And so, in answer to your question, I don't think there ARE necessarily
>> steps that can be taken right now to ensure that there's a rational
>> approach to the resolution of such an issue of fraud. Barring some sort
>> of major legal precedent, it's going to be anyone's guess how the
>> verdict comes out in the end.
> Hence the need for all of us, everywhere to step up measures to
> prevent as much as possible, the unlawful use of a system. Maybe some
> kind of  (optional modular) monitor or engine could be built for the
> asterisk platform to at least send alerts when it deduces suspicious
> activity?
> r

There are generally two approaches to this. Neither is necessarily
'correct,' but one is considerably less unwise.

The first approach is the current approach:   build software with little
thought to how it will be secured, opting for all the work of securing
the product once it's been implemented to come down to a requirement for
the deployer to both know and, more importantly, understand good
security practices. This has a value for enthusiasts because many of
them will be running the service just in a home network or test
environment, and it lets them get things up and running without worrying
about all the little issues that might get in the way of a
quickly-deployed system. It's essentially like choosing 'install
everything' on a linux install and opting to have no firewall. It's
wonderfully easy to deploy and there are no weird rules getting in the
way of using the system immediately.

It's also a really REALLY (I can't stress how strongly enough) bad idea
if you're building a product that is deployed by more than just
enthusiasts and will ever be in any remote way tied to someone's
finances (including, but not limited to, telephone access charges,
bandwidth fees, etc).

The second approach is to build the product to be as secure as it can
possibly be right out of the box, and require those deploying it to
essentially remove levels of security in order to get things working in
a particular environment. This also requires a certain knowledge of
security practices, and it relies on those deploying the product to
understand that the errors they may be seeing on deployment are likely
to do with security feature X or Y. This takes time and a lot of work,
because every component of the system has to be hardened and tested to
ensure a seamless security model throughout without worries about
incompatibilities in the basic security model between modules of a
complex system. It also makes the system harder to deploy out of the box
because it requires tailoring for the specific environment not just to
handle a different user base, but also simply to work.

I think there's a lot of push back on this sort of model for something
like Asterisk because people feel that security should be this nebulous
thing that exists 'somewhere else.'   But in reality, security starts
with the software itself and works outward. Just as you can't build a
stable house on an unstable foundation, any weak link in the security
chain is an invitation to disrupt the entire system with an exploit. And
the weak link in MANY systems when it comes to security is the knowledge
of the person deploying it.

I believe a certain level of high grade security should certainly be
built into Asterisk, and that it should have an overall security model,
as well as documentation discussing the security of the system and the
parameters that accompany it. Not only would this alleviate the concerns
of many people deploying, but it would be excellent marketing. Have you
seen the number of cars that advertise their side-impact air bags,
safety rating, and other such features? Nothing will keep a person from
killing himself in a car if he chooses not to wear a seatbelt and drive
unsafely in heavy traffic. But if he's in a car without seatbelts? Or
with a horrible crash test rating? Chances are he may end up getting
hurt anyway. Even if he makes sure he drives carefully.

Neil Fusillo
Infinideas, inc.

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