I think you should request to get it fixed via free digium tech support


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Russell Brown <russ...@lls.lls.com> wrote:
> I've having problems with a BT 2 span ISDN-30/Digium TE205P asterisk
> setup with outgoing calls not completing and requiring an Asterisk reset
> to 'unstick' span 1.
> Sorry this is a bit long but I'm completely out of my depth :-(
> This system has been in use for some while and I recently upgraded it to
> asterisk 1.4.24, zaptel 1.4.11 and libpri 1.4.9.  I didn't change
> /etc/zaptel.conf or zapata.conf.
> The upgrade fixed the problems with calls getting stuck in voicemail and
> a few other issues but the inability to make outgoing calls that started
> a couple of days after the upgrade is a bit of a bigger problem!
> Initially it looked like a BT fault and indeed BT agreed that there was
> a problem with a 'card in the exchange'.  However they say that they've
> changed that and the problem's still happening :-(
> It's not consistently failing.  On Tuesday it was fine.  On Wednesday it
> failed 7 times, Thursday 4 and today 11.  This could be down to usage
> though (more calls being made).  Each time span 1 won't complete
> outgoing calls we have to restart asterisk and then it comes right back
> for a while.  Span 2 (which only has 8 channels enabled) seems to
> continue working.
> BT have now installed an ISDN monitor and their engineer is saying that
> there are problems with Asterisk generating "malformed" packets and "out
> of sequence" packets.
> Here's what the BT engineer said including examples from his ISDN
> monitor of the failures (some asterisk pri debug logs follow that).
> Can anyone suggest a course of action here?  While I can happily
> construct dialplans and stuff, this level of ISDN is completely beyond
> my experience.
> Here's the BT chappies report:
>>I've had a good look at the trace containing yesterday afternoon's failures.
>>There seem to be 2 issues that I think are closely related.
>>Malformed Packets
>>Intermittently packets sent by the PBX are malformed. My analyser shows them
>>as CRC-Errors, but, in fact, when you study the data in hex you see that,
>>quite simply, some information is missing. Like my analyser, the exchange
>>doesn't understand these malformed packets and ignores them which means that
>>the next packet sent by the PBX has an incorrect "sequence number" and is
>>rejected by the exchange. The exchange then asks for the packet with the
>>correct sequence number to be resent.
>>This is happening intermittently throughout the trace; when it happens at
>>quieter periods the correct sequence is quickly recovered and call
>>processing carries on. When it happens at busier periods, or when there are
>>two or more incorrect packets close together, things quickly start to get
>>out of control with the sequence between exchange and PBX (that has to be
>>followed) getting further and further apart. Eventually we start to see the
>>layer 3 "call reset" messages that we were looking at yesterday morning, but
>>even these can't recover the situation because the sequence is so far out.
>>The only cure (as we know) is a complete PBX or exchange reset which
>>re-establishes the packet sequence and allows calls to be passed once again.
>><<Malformed Packet>>
>>12:18:30/850.8 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0043]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) I P:0 NR:103 NS:058    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(O,00 ca) SETUP              =20
>>                         IE:(0/a1) len:0 >> Sending complete
>>                         IE:(0/04) len:3 >> Bearer capability
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---00000 Capability    =3D Speech
>>                          Oct 4 : -00----- Transfer mode =3D Circuit
>>                                  ---10000 Transfer rate =3D 64 kbits/s
>>                          Oct 5 : -0100011 L1 protocol   =3D G711 A-law
>>                         IE:(0/18) len:3 >> Channel identification
>>                          Oct 3 : -0------ Int id =3D implicit
>>                                  --1----- Interface =3D Primary
>>                                  ----0--- Preferred/Exclusive =3D =
>>                                  ------01 Channel select =3D Indication =
>>                          Oct 32: -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---0---- Number/Map =3D Number
>>                                  ----0011 Type =3D B-channel
>>                          Oct 33: ---00010 Channel number =3D 2
>>                         IE:(0/6c) len:12 >> Calling party number
>>                          Oct 3 : -010---- Type of number =3D National
>>                                  ----0001 Numbering plan=3D ISDN/tel. =
>>                          Oct 3a: -00----- Presentation =3D Allowed
>>                                  ------11 Screening =3D Network =
>>                          Oct 4 : ******** Number =3D 1633413000
>>                         IE:(0/70) len:7 >> Called party number
>>                          Oct 3 : -000---- Type of number =3D Unknown
>>                                  ----0001 Numbering plan=3D ISDN/tel. =
>>                          Oct 4 : ******** Number =3D 846080
>>12:18:30/855.6 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) RR    P/F:0 NR:059
>>12:18:30/857.6 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D008                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) RR    P/F:0 NR:059
>>12:18:30/858.7 1- TS D1  BOP   CRC ERROR  flg=3D001                      =
>>  [0008]
>>                          00 18 03 a9 83 82 0a 33
>>12:18:30/860.7 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D001                      =
>>  [0013]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) I P:0 NR:059 NS:104    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(D,00 ca) ALERTING           =20
>>                         IE:(0/1e) len:2 >> Progress indicator
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ----0001 Loc =3D Private net to local =
>>                          Oct 4 : -0001000 8   =3D In-band info now =
>>12:18:30/866.2 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D117                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) REJ   P/F:0 NR:103
>>12:18:30/871.8 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D073                      =
>>  [0014]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) I P:0 NR:059 NS:103    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(D,00 ca) CALL PROCEEDING    =20
>>                         IE:(0/18) len:3 >> Channel identification
>>                          Oct 3 : -0------ Int id =3D implicit
>>                                  --1----- Interface =3D Primary
>>                                  ----1--- Preferred/Exclusive =3D =
>>                                  ------01 Channel select =3D Indication =
>>                          Oct 32: -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---0---- Number/Map =3D Number
>>                                  ----0011 Type =3D B-channel
>>                          Oct 33: ---00010 Channel number =3D 2
>>12:18:30/873.8 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D001                      =
>>  [0013]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) I P:0 NR:059 NS:104    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(D,00 ca) ALERTING           =20
>>                         IE:(0/1e) len:2 >> Progress indicator
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ----0001 Loc =3D Private net to local =
>>                          Oct 4 : -0001000 8   =3D In-band info now =
>>12:18:30/876.1 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D073                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:0 NR:104
>>12:18:30/886.0 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D073                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:0 NR:105
>>Out Of Sequence Packets.
>>There are occasions when the PBX simply sends "layer 3" messages that are
>>out-of-sequence. They are not malformed this time, simply out-of-sequence.
>>Once again the rejection / recovery process begins, but, if this happens at
>>a busy time the consequence will be the same.
>><<Message out of sequence>>
>>12:17:54/317.9 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0033]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) I P:0 NR:092 NS:048    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(O,00 c7) SETUP              =20
>>                         IE:(0/a1) len:0 >> Sending complete
>>                         IE:(0/04) len:3 >> Bearer capability
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---00000 Capability    =3D Speech
>>                          Oct 4 : -00----- Transfer mode =3D Circuit
>>                                  ---10000 Transfer rate =3D 64 kbits/s
>>                          Oct 5 : -0100011 L1 protocol   =3D G711 A-law
>>                         IE:(0/18) len:3 >> Channel identification
>>                          Oct 3 : -0------ Int id =3D implicit
>>                                  --1----- Interface =3D Primary
>>                                  ----0--- Preferred/Exclusive =3D =
>>                                  ------01 Channel select =3D Indication =
>>                          Oct 32: -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---0---- Number/Map =3D Number
>>                                  ----0011 Type =3D B-channel
>>                          Oct 33: ---00100 Channel number =3D 4
>>                         IE:(0/6c) len:2 >> Calling party number
>>                          Oct 3 : -000---- Type of number =3D Unknown
>>                                  ----0000 Numbering plan=3D Unknown
>>                          Oct 3a: -01----- Presentation =3D Restricted
>>                                  ------11 Screening =3D Network =
>>                          Oct 4 : ******** Number =3D=20
>>                         IE:(0/70) len:7 >> Called party number
>>                          Oct 3 : -000---- Type of number =3D Unknown
>>                                  ----0001 Numbering plan=3D ISDN/tel. =
>>                          Oct 4 : ******** Number =3D 846060
>>12:17:54/321.9 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) RR    P/F:0 NR:049
>>12:17:54/323.9 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D010                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) RR    P/F:0 NR:049
>>12:17:54/326.0 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D002                      =
>>  [0013]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) I P:0 NR:049 NS:093    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(D,00 c7) ALERTING           =20
>>                         IE:(0/1e) len:2 >> Progress indicator
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ----0001 Loc =3D Private net to local =
>>                          Oct 4 : -0001000 8   =3D In-band info now =
>>12:17:54/334.5 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D127                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) REJ   P/F:0 NR:092
>>12:17:54/340.1 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D097                      =
>>  [0014]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) I P:0 NR:049 NS:092    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(D,00 c7) CALL PROCEEDING    =20
>>                         IE:(0/18) len:3 >> Channel identification
>>                          Oct 3 : -0------ Int id =3D implicit
>>                                  --1----- Interface =3D Primary
>>                                  ----1--- Preferred/Exclusive =3D =
>>                                  ------01 Channel select =3D Indication =
>>                          Oct 32: -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---0---- Number/Map =3D Number
>>                                  ----0011 Type =3D B-channel
>>                          Oct 33: ---00100 Channel number =3D 4
>>12:17:54/342.1 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D001                      =
>>  [0013]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) I P:0 NR:049 NS:093    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(D,00 c7) ALERTING           =20
>>                         IE:(0/1e) len:2 >> Progress indicator
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ----0001 Loc =3D Private net to local =
>>                          Oct 4 : -0001000 8   =3D In-band info now =
>>12:17:54/344.4 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D073                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:0 NR:093
>>12:17:54/354.4 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D074                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:0 NR:094
>>12:17:56/741.6 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0013]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) I P:0 NR:094 NS:049    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(O,00 c0) DISCONNECT         =20
>>                         IE:(0/08) len:2 >> Cause
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ----0000 Loc =3D User
>>                          Oct 4 : -0010000 016 =3D Normal clearing
>>It might be a clue that, on nearly all occasions, the packet that is
>>malformed or out-of-sequence is the "Call Proceeding" packet.
>>For good measure here is a typical good sequence.
>><<A good Call>>
>>12:12:31/490.6 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0047]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) I P:0 NR:026 NS:122    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(O,00 b7) SETUP              =20
>>                         IE:(0/a1) len:0 >> Sending complete
>>                         IE:(0/04) len:3 >> Bearer capability
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---10000 Capability    =3D 3.1 kHz =
>>                          Oct 4 : -00----- Transfer mode =3D Circuit
>>                                  ---10000 Transfer rate =3D 64 kbits/s
>>                          Oct 5 : -0100011 L1 protocol   =3D G711 A-law
>>                         IE:(0/18) len:3 >> Channel identification
>>                          Oct 3 : -0------ Int id =3D implicit
>>                                  --1----- Interface =3D Primary
>>                                  ----0--- Preferred/Exclusive =3D =
>>                                  ------01 Channel select =3D Indication =
>>                          Oct 32: -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---0---- Number/Map =3D Number
>>                                  ----0011 Type =3D B-channel
>>                          Oct 33: ---00100 Channel number =3D 4
>>                         IE:(0/1e) len:2 >> Progress indicator
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ----0000 Loc =3D User
>>                          Oct 4 : -0000011 3   =3D Origination address =
>>                         IE:(0/6c) len:12 >> Calling party number
>>                          Oct 3 : -010---- Type of number =3D National
>>                                  ----0001 Numbering plan=3D ISDN/tel. =
>>                          Oct 3a: -00----- Presentation =3D Allowed
>>                                  ------11 Screening =3D Network =
>>                          Oct 4 : ******** Number =3D 1291673603
>>                         IE:(0/70) len:7 >> Called party number
>>                          Oct 3 : -000---- Type of number =3D Unknown
>>                                  ----0001 Numbering plan=3D ISDN/tel. =
>>                          Oct 4 : ******** Number =3D 846070
>>12:12:31/494.7 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) RR    P/F:0 NR:123
>>12:12:31/496.8 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D001                      =
>>  [0014]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) I P:0 NR:123 NS:026    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(D,00 b7) CALL PROCEEDING    =20
>>                         IE:(0/18) len:3 >> Channel identification
>>                          Oct 3 : -0------ Int id =3D implicit
>>                                  --1----- Interface =3D Primary
>>                                  ----1--- Preferred/Exclusive =3D =
>>                                  ------01 Channel select =3D Indication =
>>                          Oct 32: -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---0---- Number/Map =3D Number
>>                                  ----0011 Type =3D B-channel
>>                          Oct 33: ---00100 Channel number =3D 4
>>12:12:31/498.8 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D001                      =
>>  [0013]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) I P:0 NR:123 NS:027    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(D,00 b7) ALERTING           =20
>>                         IE:(0/1e) len:2 >> Progress indicator
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ----0001 Loc =3D Private net to local =
>>                          Oct 4 : -0001000 8   =3D In-band info now =
>>12:12:31/505.5 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D113                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:0 NR:027
>>12:12:31/506.3 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D001                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:0 NR:028
>>12:12:41/511.6 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:1 NR:123
>>12:12:41/520.2 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:1 NR:028
>>12:12:42/980.3 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0018]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) I P:0 NR:123 NS:028    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(D,00 b7) CONNECT            =20
>>                         IE:(0/18) len:3 >> Channel identification
>>                          Oct 3 : -0------ Int id =3D implicit
>>                                  --1----- Interface =3D Primary
>>                                  ----1--- Preferred/Exclusive =3D =
>>                                  ------01 Channel select =3D Indication =
>>                          Oct 32: -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ---0---- Number/Map =3D Number
>>                                  ----0011 Type =3D B-channel
>>                          Oct 33: ---00100 Channel number =3D 4
>>                         IE:(0/1e) len:2 >> Progress indicator
>>                          Oct 3 : -00----- Coding =3D ITU-T
>>                                  ----0001 Loc =3D Private net to local =
>>                          Oct 4 : -0000010 2   =3D Destination address =
>>12:12:42/984.1 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:0 NR:029
>>12:12:42/994.8 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D075                      =
>>  [0009]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) I P:0 NR:029 NS:123    =
>>                     D3  Q931  Pro:08 Ref:(O,00 b7) CONNECT ACKNOWLEDGE=20
>>12:12:42/999.7 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D148                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) RR    P/F:0 NR:124
>>12:12:53/005.6 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:1 NR:124
>>12:12:53/008.8 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:1 NR:029
>>12:13:03/022.5 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:1 NR:124
>>12:13:03/023.6 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) RR    P/F:1 NR:029
>>12:13:03/028.5 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D042                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:1) RR    P/F:1 NR:124
>>12:13:03/033.7 1- RS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D075                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:1 NR:029
>>12:13:13/041.5 1- TS D1  BOP   FRAME      flg=3D999                      =
>>  [0004]
>>                     D2  Q921  (S:00 T:000 C/R:0) RR    P/F:1 NR:124
>>I cannot see any issues or anomalies with the BT ISDN30 service.
>>There appear to problems with the creation and sequencing of "layer 3"
>>messages; most often (but not exclusively) the message affected is "Call
>>British Telecommunications plc. Registered office:  81 Newgate Street London
>>EC1A 7AJ
>>Registered in  England no:  1800000
> and here's a pri debug log for a failing state (it's tricky to get clean
> examples because of the call volume going on but I think this is right).
> Failing call:
>> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=39
>> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 844/0x34C) (Originator)
>> Message type: SETUP (5)
>> [04 03 80 90 a3]
>> Bearer Capability (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer capability: 
>> Speech (0)
>>                              Ext: 1  Trans mode/rate: 64kbps, circuit-mode 
>> (16)
>>                                User information layer 1: A-Law (35)
>> [18 03 a9 83 9a]
>> Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit  PRI  Spare: 0  Exclusive  
>> Dchan: 0
>>                        ChanSel: As indicated in following octets
>>                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0  Number Specified  Channel Type: 3
>>                       Ext: 1  Channel: 26 ]
>> [6c 08 00 80 38 34 36 30 38 30]
>> Calling Number (len=10) [ Ext: 0  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: Unknown 
>> Number Plan (0)
>>                           Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number 
>> not screened (0)  '846080' ]
>> [70 0c 80 30 31 37 38 30 34 37 31 38 30 32]
>> Called Number (len=14) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: Unknown 
>> Number Plan (0)  '01780471802' ]
> q931.c:3128 q931_setup: call 33612 on channel 26 enters state 1 (Call 
> Initiated)
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> Timed out looking for release complete
> Delaying transmission of 74, window is 7/7 long
> Stopping T_203 timer
> Starting T_200 timer
> -- Restarting T200 timer
>> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=9
>> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 255/0xFF) (Terminator)
>> Message type: RELEASE (77)
>> [08 02 81 e6]
>> Cause (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0)  Spare: 0  
>> Location: Private network serving the local user (1)
>>                  Ext: 1  Cause: Recover on timer expiry (102), class = 
>> Protocol Error (e.g. unknown message) (6) ]
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> Final time-out looking for release complete
> NEW_HANGUP DEBUG: Calling q931_hangup, ourstate Null, peerstate Null
> NEW_HANGUP DEBUG: Destroying the call, ourstate Null, peerstate Null
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> -- T200 counter expired, What to do...
> -- Retransmitting 43 bytes
>> [ 00 01 d4 5f 08 02 80 99 4d 08 02 81 e6 ]
>> Informational frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> N(S): 106   0: 0
>> N(R): 047   P: 1
>> 9 bytes of data
> -- Rescheduling retransmission (1)
> < [ 00 01 01 af ]
> < Supervisory frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
> < N(R): 087 P/F: 1
> < 0 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> -- Got RR response to our frame
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> < [ 02 01 5e ae 08 02 00 01 05 a1 04 03 90 90 a3 18 03 a1 83 86 1e 02 85 81 
> 6c 0c 21 83 31 36 35 36 37 38 35 33 37 35 70 07 81 38 34 36 30 38 30 ]
> < Informational frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 1 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < N(S): 047   0: 0
> < N(R): 087   P: 0
> < 43 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> < Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=43
> < Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 1/0x1) (Originator)
> < Message type: SETUP (5)
> < [a1]
> < Sending Complete (len= 1)
> < [04 03 90 90 a3]
> < Bearer Capability (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer 
> capability: 3.1kHz audio (16)
> <                              Ext: 1  Trans mode/rate: 64kbps, circuit-mode 
> (16)
> <                                User information layer 1: A-Law (35)
> < [18 03 a1 83 86]
> < Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit  PRI  Spare: 0  Preferred  
> Dchan: 0
> <                        ChanSel: As indicated in following octets
> <                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0  Number Specified  Channel Type: 3
> <                       Ext: 1  Channel: 6 ]
> < [1e 02 85 81]
> < Progress Indicator (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0)  0: 
> 0  Location: Private network serving the remote user (5)
> <                               Ext: 1  Progress Description: Call is not 
> end-to-end ISDN; further call progress information may be available inband. 
> (1) ]
> < [6c 0c 21 83 31 36 35 36 37 38 35 33 37 35]
> < Calling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: 
> ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)
> <                           Presentation: Presentation allowed of network 
> provided number (3)  '1656785375' ]
> < [70 07 81 38 34 36 30 38 30]
> < Called Number (len= 9) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: 
> ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)  '846080' ]
> -- Making new call for cr 1
> -- Processing Q.931 Call Setup
> -- Processing IE 161 (cs0, Sending Complete)
> -- Processing IE 4 (cs0, Bearer Capability)
> -- Processing IE 24 (cs0, Channel Identification)
> -- Processing IE 30 (cs0, Progress Indicator)
> -- Processing IE 108 (cs0, Calling Party Number)
> -- Processing IE 112 (cs0, Called Party Number)
> q931.c:3545 q931_receive: call 1 on channel 6 enters state 6 (Call Present)
> Sending Receiver Ready (48)
>> [ 02 01 01 60 ]
>> Supervisory frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 1 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
>> N(R): 048 P/F: 0
>> 0 bytes of data
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> q931.c:2810 q931_call_proceeding: call 1 on channel 6 enters state 9 
> (Incoming Call Proceeding)
> Delaying transmission of 75, window is 7/7 long
> Stopping T_203 timer
> Starting T_200 timer
> -- Restarting T200 timer
>> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=10
>> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 1/0x1) (Terminator)
>> Message type: CALL PROCEEDING (2)
>> [18 03 a9 83 86]
>> Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit  PRI  Spare: 0  Exclusive  
>> Dchan: 0
>>                        ChanSel: As indicated in following octets
>>                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0  Number Specified  Channel Type: 3
>>                       Ext: 1  Channel: 6 ]
> q931.c:2838 q931_alerting: call 1 on channel 6 enters state 7 (Call Received)
> Delaying transmission of 76, window is 7/7 long
> Starting T_200 timer
> -- Restarting T200 timer
>> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=9
>> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 1/0x1) (Terminator)
>> Message type: ALERTING (1)
>> [1e 02 81 88]
>> Progress Indicator (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0)  0: 0 
>>  Location: Private network serving the local user (1)
>>                               Ext: 1  Progress Description: Inband 
>> information or appropriate pattern now available. (8) ]
> < [ 02 01 60 ae 08 02 00 02 05 a1 04 03 90 90 a3 18 03 a1 83 87 1e 02 84 83 
> 6c 0c 21 83 31 32 33 39 36 35 34 35 32 36 70 07 81 38 34 36 30 37 37 ]
> < Informational frame:
> < SAPI: 00  C/R: 1 EA: 0
> <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
> < N(S): 048   0: 0
> < N(R): 087   P: 0
> < 43 bytes of data
> Handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
> -- ACKing all packets from 86 to (but not including) 87
> -- Waiting for acknowledge, restarting T200 counter
> -- Restarting T200 timer
> < Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=43
> < Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 2/0x2) (Originator)
> < Message type: SETUP (5)
> < [a1]
> < Sending Complete (len= 1)
> < [04 03 90 90 a3]
> < Bearer Capability (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer 
> capability: 3.1kHz audio (16)
> <                              Ext: 1  Trans mode/rate: 64kbps, circuit-mode 
> (16)
> <                                User information layer 1: A-Law (35)
> < [18 03 a1 83 87]
> < Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit  PRI  Spare: 0  Preferred  
> Dchan: 0
> <                        ChanSel: As indicated in following octets
> <                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0  Number Specified  Channel Type: 3
> <                       Ext: 1  Channel: 7 ]
> < [1e 02 84 83]
> < Progress Indicator (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0)  0: 
> 0  Location: Public network serving the remote user (4)
> <                               Ext: 1  Progress Description: Calling 
> equipment is non-ISDN. (3) ]
> < [6c 0c 21 83 31 32 33 39 36 35 34 35 32 36]
> < Calling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: 
> ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)
> <                           Presentation: Presentation allowed of network 
> provided number (3)  '1239654526' ]
> < [70 07 81 38 34 36 30 37 37]
> < Called Number (len= 9) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: 
> ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)  '846077' ]
> -- Making new call for cr 2
> -- Processing Q.931 Call Setup
> -- Processing IE 161 (cs0, Sending Complete)
> -- Processing IE 4 (cs0, Bearer Capability)
> -- Processing IE 24 (cs0, Channel Identification)
> -- Processing IE 30 (cs0, Progress Indicator)
> -- Processing IE 108 (cs0, Calling Party Number)
> -- Processing IE 112 (cs0, Called Party Number)
> q931.c:3545 q931_receive: call 2 on channel 7 enters state 6 (Call Present)
> Sending Receiver Ready (49)
>> [ 02 01 01 62 ]
>> Supervisory frame:
>> SAPI: 00  C/R: 1 EA: 0
>>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
>> Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
>> N(R): 049 P/F: 0
>> 0 bytes of data
> -- Restarting T203 timer
> q931.c:2810 q931_call_proceeding: call 2 on channel 7 enters state 9 
> (Incoming Call Proceeding)
> Delaying transmission of 77, window is 7/7 long
> Stopping T_203 timer
> Starting T_200 timer
> -- Restarting T200 timer
>> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=10
>> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 2/0x2) (Terminator)
>> Message type: CALL PROCEEDING (2)
>> [18 03 a9 83 87]
>> Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit  PRI  Spare: 0  Exclusive  
>> Dchan: 0
>>                        ChanSel: As indicated in following octets
>>                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0  Number Specified  Channel Type: 3
>>                       Ext: 1  Channel: 7 ]
> q931.c:2838 q931_alerting: call 2 on channel 7 enters state 7 (Call Received)
> Delaying transmission of 78, window is 7/7 long
> Starting T_200 timer
> -- Restarting T200 timer
>> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=9
>> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 2/0x2) (Terminator)
>> Message type: ALERTING (1)
>> [1e 02 81 88]
>> Progress Indicator (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0)  0: 0 
>>  Location: Private network serving the local user (1)
>>                               Ext: 1  Progress Description: Inband 
>> information or appropriate pattern now available. (8) ]
> NEW_HANGUP DEBUG: Calling q931_hangup, ourstate Call Initiated, peerstate 
> Overlap sending
> q931.c:3009 q931_disconnect: call 33612 on channel 26 enters state 11 
> (Disconnect Request)
> Delaying transmission of 79, window is 7/7 long
> Starting T_200 timer
> -- Restarting T200 timer
>> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=9
>> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 844/0x34C) (Originator)
>> Message type: DISCONNECT (69)
>> [08 02 81 90]
>> Cause (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0)  Spare: 0  
>> Location: Private network serving the local user (1)
>>                  Ext: 1  Cause: Normal Clearing (16), class = Normal Event 
>> (1) ]
> If you've got this far then Thanks! and well done!
> Any help much appreciated.
> --
>  Regards,
>     Russell
>  --------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Russell Brown          | MAIL: russ...@lls.com PHONE: 01780 471800 |
> | Lady Lodge Systems     | WWW Work: http://www.lls.com              |
> | Peterborough, England  | WWW Play: http://www.ruffle.me.uk         |
>  --------------------------------------------------------------------
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