

If you currently experience frequent Cisco router crashes be advised that there is an IOS bug triggered by sip sessions NAT’d through the router.  The bug is NOT fixed unlike what is said here.  This issue is reopened at Cisco under bug CSCeb12516.  with a severity of 2 because it sucks a$$.  Forgive me for posting in HTML.


CSCdz14900 Bug Details


 Software forced crash ipnat_l4_udp_sip_fixup







Duplicate of



 3  Severity help


 Resolved  Status help

First Found-in Version

 12.3, 12.2(11)T, 12.2(15)B   All affected versions

First Fixed-in Version

 12.3(2.3), 12.3(0.5)B03a, 12.3(3.1)T, 12.3(2.3)B  Version help

Release Notes
A Cisco router running IOS 12.2.T may reload due to a software forced crash.

Currently the root cause has not been found, but early indications are that this
is related to NAT.

Workaround: turn off NAT SIP ALG by the following CLI can be used to avoid this
crash - of course you will lose NAT SIP support.

no ip nat service sip tcp port 5060
no ip nat service sip udp port 5060


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Christopher J. Wolff, VP CIO

Broadband Laboratories, Inc.








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