On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, Christopher Arnold wrote:

> i have a setup with chatrooms, several MeetMe conferences wich users can
> change inbetween. 10 users maximum in each room.
> It seems like when i have more than 40-45 users on the system at the same
> time asterisk drops abt 20 and continnues buisness as usual.
> Is there anyone else who have run inte this problem? Any solutions?
Looking closer into the problem i notice these entries in the log at the
same time the users get thrown out:
Jan 16 01:26:37 WARNING[1142135600]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5755
(zt_pri_error): PRI: Can't destroy call 1104150616!
Jan 16 01:26:37 WARNING[1142135600]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5755
(zt_pri_error): PRI: ACK received outside of window, restarting
Jan 16 01:26:37 WARNING[1142135600]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5755
(zt_pri_error): PRI: !! Got S-frame while link down
Jan 16 01:26:37 WARNING[1142135600]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5755
(zt_pri_error): PRI: !! Got I-frame while link state 2
(Ihave cut away alot of I and S-frame errors.

Does this bring anyone closer to a clue of whats going on?

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