> If you value your data, don't use software raid. If you value
> performance don't use software raid. If you value uptime/stability don't
> use any raid on IDE.

That's pure bullshit -- I use software RAID *specifically* because I value 
my data.  I don't want to buy two hardaware RAID controllers to have one 
sit on the shelf just in case the first dies... and if the second dies 
you're SOL because they've lasted long enough that they're no longer 
available.  Linux software RAID is available on any Linux system and if the 
system blows up I can put the drives in another system and *not* worry 
about it not being detected.

As far as performance goes, I have some bonnie++ tests that I've run that 
show that at least on the few systems I've tested, software RAID 1 beat out  
hardware RAID 1 (these systems were IDE, SCSI-2 and Ultra320, with DPT RAID 
controllers for SCSI on P4 and I think regular Promise IDE RAID controllers 
on P3) -- not a huge difference in speed but one that at least tosses your 
"if you value performance don't use software raid" argument.

Perhaps on a _heavily_ loaded server you might be right, but then again I 
feel that you're stupid for letting a server get so loaded up that it can't 
handle the simple mirroring algorithms in addition to normal file servering 
functions without degrading performance to a noticable degree.

I used to believe that HW RAID was the only way to go.  With RAID5 I still 
feel that is true to an extent.  However if you're just mirroring there is 
_no_ significant advantage to choosing hardware RAID over software RAID.  
Not on IDE, and not on SCSI.  In fact, there are advantages to choosing 
software RAID over hardware RAID, as I've mentioned above.

> What matters as far as the computers being used is that you are unlikely
> to get your hands on a real server class motherboard without having
> bought it in a Dell or Compaq. It also matters as to the supporting

Again I call bullshit -- Where do you think Dell and Compaq get their 
motherboards from?  (ok compaq might actually manufacture them) -- I can 
get server-class motherboards from Asus, Gigabyte, Intel, Tyan, and a host 
of manufacturers without having to buy into the proprietary nature of 
anything Name Brand.

> hardware. If the PSU isn't quality enough, then it doesn't matter what
> motherboard you use. Dell doesn't want to deal with your system after
> sales. They will put a few extra dimes into the PSU so it stays in shape
> for a few more years. The companies you are most likely to purchase a
> case from will usually expect you to not come after them if the PSU
> fails. So why would they bother to spend the extra money to make the PSU
> last longer.

I can also put some extra dimes into the power supply... or fans... or 
anything.  Dell/Compaq/whoever does not mean high quality by default.

> Also Dell is more likely to have a part to fix your machine in the mail
> within hours instead of you waiting till you can get to the store to
> purchase your replacement part before RMAing the part and waiting the
> couple of weeks for the replacement.

This is true.

> In general, you get what you pay for, and less so when you go bargain
> hunting. It all comes down to the same old problem of figuring out what
> your time and downtime are worth.

Agreed.  Personally I'd rather have a complete second system on the shelf 
that I can swap out within 15 minutes than rely on anyone plus a courier, 
but that's just me.

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