> I found by accident that there is a limit of 99 messages in your INBOX in
> Asterisk.
> The 100th attempt to record a voice mail causes the system to play your
> greeting and then never record the 100th message and silently disconnect
> the caller.
> So...is it safe to simply use the UNIX find command to delete any files in
> the INBOX directory that are older than X days old?
> I did not know if Asterisk would lose track of which message number was
> next...or otherwise screw up the mail box by doing this.
> If my use of a daily cron like this:
> /usr/bin/find /var/spool/asterisk/vm/33/INBOX/* -mtime +15 -exec rm {} \;
> is a bad idea...perhaps having a message retention period defined in
> voicemail.conf on a global or per user basis.

message-expire.pl in contrib/scripts

> Any thought of having maximum number of messages be defined globally in
> voicemail.conf or on a per user basis?

Not per user but yes it should be a config option.

> Also, does anyone feel a need to have the voicemail system speak the date
> and time the voice mail message arrived for those that access messages by
> phone instead of the usual email?

It already does this.  Are you running the latest cvs?

> Finally...am I the only person who does not have a need for separate busy
> and no answer outgoing messages?  When I change my greeting...I change the
> not available...and have a cron job copy the unavailable to the busy file
> so the messages are the same.

Maybe a config option to make it automatically copy it over for you.

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