You forgot to mention they have incredibly poor web page Javascript. You 
cannot use Mozilla to subscribe.


On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Greg Hill wrote:

> On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Michael Swan wrote:
> > We're just about to bring up Asterisk in a small business setting
> > with a broadband carrier. In this case, we have no reason to have
> > any POTS lines to make incoming and outgoing calls using our
> > SIP phones (Cisco 7960, 7940 and Grandstream 102.) We're
> > probably selecting Voiceglo simply because we can transfer our
> > existing local lines from an area code they handle (925).
> >
> > We've talked to a *lot* of broadband carriers, all of whom are
> > stunningly unable to answer our basic questions about our
> > proposed architecture. The one notable exception to this is
> > Nufone which, unfortunately, doesn't service our local area code.
> >
> > A couple of questions for Voiceglo/Asterisk users:
> >
> > 1. Can someone confirm whether Voiceglo needs to use SIP or
> > can it handle IAX? This link seems to indicate it uses SIP:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg20561.html
> > although other messages on the mailing list indicate that
> > Voiceglo is using Asterisk in its internal architecture.
> Voiceglo uses * servers (It identifies itself in the SIP headers, which
> you'll see when you turn debugging on). Their free webphone gadget uses
> IAX, while the pay-to-use services use SIP. (g711 and g729 codecs)
> > 2. Voiceglo's "support" keeps telling us we need to purchase an
> > MTA (Multimedia Terminal Adapter), essentially an analog to digital
> > box, described here:
> > Since we're using SIP phones and Asterisk, we have no need for this,
> > right?
> >
> > 3. Any words of warning or praise from clients of Voiceglo?
> I actually just signed up with them Tuesday of last week. My USB phone
> hasn't arrived yet, which means 9 of my 14 day "risk free guarantee" has
> already passed -- and I wouldn't have been able to even try the service
> yet if not for my determination to "make it work."
> As you have discovered, they are very clear about not supporting anything
> but the MTA and USB phone available through them. The support people seem
> to be unaware of SIP or the fact that they aren't the only ones who use
> it. When I have called their support with any type of question, they keep
> telling me that I have to wait until I receive the USB phone and CD.
> Whatever.
> If you sign up for the USB phone, they'll send you a Windows registry file
> which contains your username and password (it's plaintext). You can use
> these to make any SIP client connect to their server. I haven't heard from
> anybody who got the MTA; it may be more difficult to discover your login
> info this route because the MTA probably comes pre-configured.
> I've been having some struggles with it so far:
> - when I use the xten softphone to call through my * and into voiceglo,
> the call fails because of some g729/ulaw codec issue. But when I connect
> the xten softphone directly to voiceglo, it works fine. Stranger still, if
> I use the SJ Labs softphone to call through my * and into voiceglo, it
> works. I don't know why. I also don't have a g729 license yet, and that
> may fix the issue * has when I use the xten client.
> - dmtf doesn't work reliably (not at all for me). When I call my voiceglo
> number and * answers, the menus and such don't work because of this.
> (they do work when I call in through iaxtel, FWD, etc) I haven't gotten
> around to bothering them about this yet. Since I'm using this for home
> use, it isn't a huge deal right now. And it still beats signing up for
> Vonage and paying $40 whenever I decide to end my service.
> The voice quality has been fairly good in my experience, but I wouldn't
> rate the support very highly.
> Greg
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