I'm trying to get the MWI button to work with my Asterisk configuration.  The snom is accepting and responding to the Message indications from *, but when I press the MWI button, it is dialing my extension (the one with the voice mail on it).
I'm wondering if there is a way to specify what extension to dial to check email in the configuration, either the phone, or * itself.
Asterisk Version 1/30/2003 checked out and compiled this evening
Snom Version 2.03o (most recent auto-update)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  At one point Mark had talked about adding a voicemail=XXXX directive in sip.conf on the mailing list at one point, however grepping the code doesn't reveal a feature like that at this time.
Anyone have success in getting the MWI button to work on Snoms?  If so I would LOVE to hear from you.
Paul M. Oster

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