On 11-08-08 09:50 AM, Miguel Molina wrote:
El 08/08/11 11:46, J Gao escribió:
On 11-08-06 10:06 AM, Miguel Molina wrote:
El 05/08/11 13:20, J Gao escribió:
I am using the new 1.8.5 and I just found out that Asterisk won't record the call if the call just hangup. I did a test like this:

exten => 1009, 1, Hangup()

Then I called 1009:

 == Using UDPTL CoS mark 5
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Executing [1009@init-1005:1] Hangup("SIP/1007-0000003c", "") in new stack == Spawn extension (init-1005, 1009, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1005-0000003c'

I am not sure why now Asterisk doesn't write this into CDR. In the previous version Asterisk record the hangup call.

Is there anyway I can have the hangup write into the CDR?

What is your cdr.conf configuration?

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here is my cdr.conf:



usegmtime=yes    ; log date/time in GMT.  Default is "no"
loguniqueid=yes  ; log uniqueid.  Default is "no"
loguserfield=yes ; log user field.  Default is "no"
accountlogs=yes ; create separate log file for each account code. Default is "yes"

Try this cdr.conf general setting: unanswered=yes
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Thank you for the help. It works after I enabled the unanswered=yes like you suggested.




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