My question is:

Is it really possible to have the asterisk configuration in the database server 
instead of having it in conf files? HOW? I am asking this because what I 
noticed in AsteriskNow and in A2Billing and Vicidial or Goautodial that 
whatever I do configuration in the GUI, then the configuration will be 
generated in the conf files, so Asterisk will read from the conf files and not 
from the database directly. Is it right or I am confused and there is something 

If there is a method to let the configuration to be taken from the database 
(and not from the configuration), then HOW? Because even in AsteriskNow, the 
configuration will be generated in a conf files.

Hi Bilal,

You want to look the Asterisk realtime configuration features if you want to run your configuration from a database rather than configuration files.

This should point you in the right direction and get you started:

It should be noted that if you're wanting to use AsteriskNow (which relies on FreePBX for its gui configuration features), then Asterisk realtime configuration will not work as it is not compatible at this time. Other web gui's might work, but I am not familiar with them. FreePBX's sentiment on the subject is shared here:


On 05/24/2012 05:46 PM, bilal ghayyad wrote:
Thanks for all for the help and kindly reply.

One last point that will help me alot:

I am thinking to have 4 Servers running Asterisk and 2 Servers to be for 
database. The load to be distributed on the 4 Asterisk Servers with ability to 
be redundant (using any redundancy technique). The 4 Asterisk Servers to take 
the configuration from the Database Server and actually because there is 2 
Database servers, then it will be redundant to each other (in case one database 
failed, the other will take over).

My question is:

Is it really possible to have the asterisk configuration in the database server 
instead of having it in conf files? HOW? I am asking this because what I 
noticed in AsteriskNow and in A2Billing and Vicidial or Goautodial that 
whatever I do configuration in the GUI, then the configuration will be 
generated in the conf files, so Asterisk will read from the conf files and not 
from the database directly. Is it right or I am confused and there is something 

If there is a method to let the configuration to be taken from the database 
(and not from the configuration), then HOW? Because even in AsteriskNow, the 
configuration will be generated in a conf files.

Special thanks for the advise.


Hi All;

I need to use Asterisk for 20 000 users, so which
asterisk version to be used? Is there asterisk version that
supports 20,000 users on one hardware machine?
Can I use one strong hardware server i7 with 64 GB RAM
and fast hard desk to handle 20 000 users, and concurrent
calls 2000? Or I need multiple servers, how much?
If I am going to use multiple servers (until now I do
not know how much, and I do not know if the barrier will be
the asterisk software or the hardware), then do I have to
use special SIP proxy or I have to use load balancer)? In
this case, I have to use asterisk Database (so all the
servers will read/write from the database)?
What about AsteriskNow, can it support?
AsteriskNOW is a GUI on top of Asterisk; it does not change
the ability
of the system to handle call load.

Modern versions of Asterisk can easily handle 2,000
simultaneous calls,
even with media (non-transcoded) passing through the server.
We have a
community member who has improved chan_sip in Asterisk 10
(and later) to
be able to handle 10,000 simultaneous calls.

Handling 20,000 registrations is probably more of a concern
for Asterisk
at this point; I've never heard of anyone attempting to
handle that many
on one system.

In spite of all this, though, the other advice you've
received in this
thread is sound: even if a single system can handle the
load, doing so
is asking for a major problem if that system experiences a
You'd be much better off to at least split the load across
two machines,
both of which should be large enough to handle the entire
load when

Kevin P. Fleming
Digium, Inc. | Director of Software Technologies
| SIP:
| Skype: kpfleming
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - USA
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