Title: If one extension is busy...

One of my users has two extensions, both of which ring simultaneously when a call comes in for her.  This works fine.

If her primary extension is busy, then she is on the phone and there is no reason to ring the secondary extension.  In this case, the call should go directly to voicemail, but it in fact rings the alternate extension before going to voicemail.  This gives the caller the perception that she is available, but did not answer.

How can I program it to go directly to voicemail if her primary line is busy?

I could start out by testing to see if the line is busy using GotoIf, if I knew how to test for busy.  Alternately, I could ring her primary line for 1 second and go to voicemail if it is busy.  Then I could ring both lines together for a longer period of time.  However, Im afraid it might not work if she picked up just as the one second was up.

Can anyone suggest a solution?



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