On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

>> You've got two options here - you can use dacs in /etc/zaptel.conf to
>> literally just cross-connect the PRIs.  The two telco PRIs would come in
>> on two of your ports, and would turn around and go back out on the other
>> two.  This happens in the zaptel module and doesn't make it up into
>> asterisk.
>Can you elaborate on this?  I have no mention of the term 'dacs'
>in /etc/zaptel.conf.

According to asterisk-cvs, on October 30, 2003, dacs support was added:
"Add DACS functionality to zaptel for cross connecting channels"

zaptel.conf.sample is appropriately documented:
"dacs"  The zaptel driver cross connects the channels starting at
        the channel number listed at the end, after a colon

If I wanted to cross connect the first span to the second:
dacs = 1-24:25

If I want to cross connect just channel 3 to channel 27:
dacs = 3:27

I imagine (though haven't tried it), you can use:
dacs = 1,3-5:25
to take channels 1,3,4,5 and put them on 25,26,27,28

One note: you can only use dacs on T1/E1 spans, not the pci fxs/fxo cards.

Hope that helps...


Steve Creel                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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