

I've had some issues with the x100p in my * box with echo at the beginning
of calls and remote hangup detection. Question is, will setting up an adtran
for the pots lines and connecting this to a t100p in * fix these issues ?

Can anyone verify good call quality and remote hangup detection on incoming
/ outgoing US pots lines with the 750 + t100p combination ?

Chris Clifton


I've found the Adtran 750 works very well with the T100P.  I haven't noticed any echo on the lines.  All the FXS lines from the Central Office are feeding FXO ports on the 750.  The CO lines all have "cutoff on disconnect" enabled (Your phone company may call it something different.  Basically, its a zero voltage across tip/ring for a few milliseconds).  To take advantage of COD, your zapata.conf should be using fxs_ks (kewlstart) signalling.

Chris Vz

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