On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 01:29:38PM -0500, Tim Sailer wrote:
> Since there's not too much out there, I decided to take about 2 hrs and
> pound something into shape for a simple status for my * server.
> I wrote a perl script that parsed the output of 'sip show peers',
> 'iax2 show peers', and 'show voicemail users' through the manager
> interface. It dumps the output to a few simple mysql tables, and
> the results are displayed on a web page. Now I can see some of the
> basic things.
> http://pbx.unslept.com/status.php

Before anyone comments, I know it's rough and ugly looking, but this was 
just proof of concept for me, done over about 2 hours while trying to do
my normal job, too. I'll keep poking at the CLI to see what other cool
stuff I can pull out.


>> Tim Sailer                       ><  Coastal Internet, Inc.          <<
>> Network and Systems Operations   ><  PO Box 726                      <<
>> http://www.buoy.com              ><  Moriches, NY 11955              <<
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     ><  (631) 399-2910  (888) 924-3728  <<
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