thanks so much..

I have dialed from my mobile and nearly fell off my chair when the Sip phoone rang ,,!! then was sad enough to answer it and have a chat with myself!!

Is there any provision for dialing out in these configs ? and if so is it dial 9 ?

Thanks again as this has been a four day headache so far..


Jon Lawrence wrote:
On Sunday 07 March 2004 20:08, Simon Chappell wrote:
Thanks for your help David

Your configs are a little to complicated  for this complete asterisk
newbie though.
All i am actually after is how to get a sip phone to ring when the X100P
is dialed on out landline, and how to get a sipphone to dial out through
the X100P.
I have saved all your configs and had a trawl through them though.
I am a great believer in start simple then build it up and step by step
it seems simple in the end but I keep stumbling on this task. once i
have this i will look at call parking,conferencing (all the fun stuff)
etc.. but at the moment all i would like to acheive is bridging the gap
from sip to BT  :-)    IF you have any quick pointers to help me acheive
that I would be very pleased.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply (especially on a sunday
evening with the roast going cold)


Hopefully the attached configs will be of help to you.
They're pretty basic :)
The one's you'll be interested in are, extensions.conf and possibly 

Jon Lawrence

sig Kind Regards

Simon Chappell
url :
PH: 01403 268474

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