Thank you all for the hints.

I ended up using a mix of dialplan to deal with the Local channels, and ARI to detect the transfer and redirect. It doesn't look like a "clean" solution but I have nothing better for the moment :

Dialplan :

exten  = 100,1,GotoIf($[$["${SIPTRANSFER}"="yes"]&$["${CHANNEL(channeltype)}"="Local"]]?waittransfer:)
; deal with channel being transfered
same  = n,Transfer(100)
same  = n,Hangup()

; deal with Asterisk-managed Local channel
same = n(waittransfer),Wait(2)
same  = n,Hangup()

NodeJS :

bridge.once('BridgeAttendedTransfer', event => {
    var transferee = new ari.Channel(;
          context: event.context,
          extension: event.exten,
          priority: 1

Le 23/12/2020 à 19:46, Phil Mickelson a écrit :
Unfortunately, I suspect my situation is different from yours in that I control everything.  And, when Bob wants to transfer the call he clicks a button on the screen, not a button on the phone.  I don't use any part of the dialplan except to start ARI.



On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 2:56 AM Jean Aunis < <>> wrote:

    Thanks for the answer.

    Not sure I get the idea : when a SIP phone performs a
    blind-transfer, I have no control over what Asterisk does with the
    channels. During my tests, Bob's channel was automatically pulled
    out of the bridge, and replaced with a Local channel whose peer
    goes through the dialplan to the transfer destination.

    How can you link the newly created Local channel with Alice's one ?

    For the moment, I have a piece of solution with the
    BridgeBlindTransfer event, but I still have troubles with these
    Local channel issues.

    Le 22/12/2020 à 20:13, Phil Mickelson a écrit :
    Not sure if this will help but what I do is fairly simple.  A
    couple of things:

    1.  This is all written in JS using Node.js.
    2.  I use ari-client from npm.

    To me this is very simple.  You already have the bridge and
    channel setup for Alice.  I create another channel that dials
    Charlie.  And, as soon as the create channel call comes back I
    just set the channel id (was Bob) in the bridge to the new
    channel for Charlie.  That's it.  If it doesn't get answered I
    hope it goes to VM.  However, that's the downside of a blind
    transfer.  I have some code in there for what happens if Alice
    hangs up before Charlie answers, etc but that's because I keep
    track of every call in my system.

    And I wrote all of this before there were Promises and
    Async/Await.  Hopefully next year I'll have the time to rewrite
    the whole thing.

    And, for the people at Asterisk who came up with the idea of
    ARI.  Thank you soooo much.  Hope everyone has a wonderful
    holiday and that 2021 is much better than 2020!


    On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 5:38 AM Jean Aunis <
    <>> wrote:


        I'm struggling to find a way to properly handle blind
        transfers with ARI.

        This is my use case :

        - Alice calls Bob through Asterisk

        - dialing and bridging is done with ARI

        - when Bob blind-transfers to Charlie, I would like to use the
        "redirect" ARI operation, or the Transfer application

        But here is the issue : since the channels are stasis-managed,
        transferring is done with Local channels which remain in the
        path, so
        Transfer and redirect have no effect on them. And Alice's
        channel is not
        aware that it is being transferred.

        Has somebody already dealt with this ?



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