
For our company we will use Asterisk to receive our faxes. We would like to manage this faxes. To give some information to a fax. Here fore I wrote a little application.

To manage the incoming faxes I wrote a script which checks the directory where the faxes are stored. If there is a new fax, this fax is send to your email address. Also there is a web interface which gives you the possibility to manage the fax. For each fax you can give some information to it. A list is given with the incoming faxes also a list with the last ten faxes is shown. And you can browse in an archive.

Documentation is included in the faxprogram.tar.gz. The .doc and .sxw documentation are the same. Read this documentation which will gives you information how the program works and what you have to change to get it work.

I hope you can use this program for managing your faxes. If there are any bugs, questions or you have some modifications or new features let me know.

Excuse me if my English is not good.


Johan Hollemans from Synantics B.V. The Netherlands

Attachment: faxprogram.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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