----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vic Cross"
| On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Matt Riddell wrote:
| > Here are the settings for New Zealand indications.  I have tested them
| > call progress works...voicemail messages used to contain 50 seconds of
| > disconnect tones, now just 2.
| <snipped the detail>
| So, all you did was update indications.conf with what you posted, and
| everything worked?  Wow...
| Wait a minute...  What kind of hardware are you using?

Pretty much all I did...

added NZ with details from Telecom (well actually a phreaker's site about
telecom - tanks to the IRC channel), set country to NZ, my callprogress=no,
busy detect=yes

Strange, thought my callprogress was=yes, I guess the busy detect is
catching the hangup...

Drop me a mail offlist if you want my configs...

Kind regards,

Matt Riddell

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