Title: Problems with Zpateller on incoming external calls

I've setup the following in extensions.con:

exten => 2200,1,Ringing
exten => 2200,2,Wait(2)
exten => 2200,3,Answer
exten => 2200,4,Zapateller
exten => 2200,5,Macro(stdexten,2205,SIP/2205)

This works as expected if I dial from a SIP phone on my desk. However, if I dial in from the PSTN (through a SIP provider) it fails while trying to play ths SIT with:

Apr  8 18:53:12 WARNING[1209269552]: rtp.c:407 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable

Any idea what's going on?  My suspicion is that the PSTN gateway hasn't setup an audio path yet, although I thought Answer would do that.



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