Title: Message
I have a couple of real quick questions for ya'll.  I am trying to setup * in a test scenario to emulate my company's 20 agent ACD.  
1)  First, I am curious if anyone has any configs that they can throw up on the wiki or just send via e-mail.  I have a bit of it pieced together and am able to make some very basic queued calls, but I am sure that there are much smarter people out there that have it set up in a much better way.
2)  Second, I am having some issues with app_queue where if no there are no members in the queue at all the call to Queue() will throw an error "Unable to join queue 'queuename'".  I think that I have the queue setup properly in queues.conf.  I am just not defining any members.
Any help or guidance that you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Robert Jackson

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