
i need help in connecting a X100P-clone in germany.


Basic questions:

a)what configuration do I need ? what is the difference (maybe explain in german? via email?)

fxs_ls:  FXS (Loop Start)

fxs_gs:  FXS (Ground Start)

fxs_ks:  FXS (Kewl Start)


b) can I use one card for connecting to the telephone network (in this case my analog pbx) and the same card for connecting an analog phone (the card has two connectors with “line” and “telephone” signs).


I want to connect the asterisk pbx to my analog pbx and want to make calls in booth directions.

with “FXS Krwl Start” I can make calls from the analog-pbx to asterisk (and connected SIP-phone). but in the other direction “(from asterisk to analog pbx) I cant make calls.

the extensions.conf definition is

exten => 111,1,Dial,Zap/1

but nothing happen if I dial this extension from my sip phone.


Executing Dial("SIP/thorstengehrig-5c59", "Zap/1") in new stack

    -- Called 1

    -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/thorstengehrig-5c59



Thorsten Gehrig (Thorsten at Gehrig.de)






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