RFC  3261  states:

11.2 Processing of OPTIONS Request

  The response to an OPTIONS is constructed using the standard rules
  for a SIP response as discussed in Section 8.2.6.  The response code
  chosen MUST be the same that would have been chosen had the request
  been an INVITE.  That is, a 200 (OK) would be returned if the UAS is
  ready to accept a call, a 486 (Busy Here) would be returned if the
  UAS is busy, etc.  This allows an OPTIONS request to be used to
  determine the basic state of a UAS, which can be an indication of
  whether the UAS will accept an INVITE request.

  An OPTIONS request received within a dialog generates a 200 (OK)
  response that is identical to one constructed outside a dialog and
  does not have any impact on the dialog.

  This use of OPTIONS has limitations due to the differences in proxy
  handling of OPTIONS and INVITE requests.  While a forked INVITE can
  result in multiple 200 (OK) responses being returned, a forked
  OPTIONS will only result in a single 200 (OK) response, since it is
  treated by proxies using the non-INVITE handling.  See Section 16.7
  for the normative details.

  If the response to an OPTIONS is generated by a proxy server, the
  proxy returns a 200 (OK), listing the capabilities of the server.
  The response does not contain a message body.

  Allow, Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, and Supported header
  fields SHOULD be present in a 200 (OK) response to an OPTIONS
  request.  If the response is generated by a proxy, the Allow header
  field SHOULD be omitted as it is ambiguous since a proxy is method
  agnostic.  Contact header fields MAY be present in a 200 (OK)
  response and have the same semantics as in a 3xx response.  That is,
  they may list a set of alternative names and methods of reaching the
  user.  A Warning header field MAY be present.

  A message body MAY be sent, the type of which is determined by the
  Accept header field in the OPTIONS request (application/sdp is the
  default if the Accept header field is not present).  If the types
  include one that can describe media capabilities, the UAS SHOULD
  include a body in the response for that purpose.  Details on the
  construction of such a body in the case of application/sdp are
  described in [13].

Brett Nemeroff wrote:

How will this effect a live system? No new calls? Or will it terminate
exisiting calls?

I'll have a chat with the vendor regarding the OPTIONS reply.. It
certainly does sesem like it should reply with something..

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Olle E.
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Sip Registration Problem

Karl Brose wrote:

Btw, Ignoring OPTIONS is not a valid option (:-) whether sip proxy or
not, Asterisk doesn't do it correctly either.
The host should respond with 200/OK if the call >could< succeed theoretically if it were an INVITE or else it should send a
404 or maybe a 487(? hmm, have to look) see the RFC for details.

Interesting, didn't know that. Where in the RFC?

I removed the qualify lines and sip reload [ed]. The extension still showed up as "UNREACHABLE" instead of "UNMONITORED". I had to do a full restart to get it to stop sending the OPTIONS messages.

What did I do wrong here? How can I make a change to qualify without restarting?

If a peer is registred at reload/sip reload, it will not change.
You have to unload the sip module and reload it or restart asterisk
to change the configuration of a registred, i.e. active, peer.

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